390 THIRTY-NIN TH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 30, 31. 1867. Property eg. or business amounting to two hundred dollars in value, with two hundred dol. °mP¥- lars’ worth of stock for carrying on the business of the debtor or his family; the library and implements of a professional man or artist, to the value of three hundred dollars; one horse,mule, or yoke of oxen ; one cart, wagon, or dray, and harness for such team ; farming utensils, with food for such team for three months, and if the debtor be a farmer, any other farming tools of the value of one hundred dollars; all family pictures, and all the family library, not exceeding in value four hundred dollars ; one cow, one swine, No deed of six sheep. And no deed of trust, bill of sale, or mortgage upon any of
- ’,.“;;g;j‘
- >";g‘:;__ said exempted articles, shall be binding or valid unless signed by the wife
ue1es_\·s1id.m- of the debtor, if he be married and living with his wife; and these exlm Sifinsd by emptions shall be valid when the said property is in transitu, the same as géitglfiftggrg if the property were at rest: Provided, however, That no property named ned, Sic. _ and exempted in this act, shall be exempted from attachment or execution a0l;_;?,§"‘;l{I;;;‘t‘°* for any debt due for the wages of servants, common laborers, or clerks, Q,,,,,,,, Q} Se,., except the wearing apparel, beds and bedding, and household furniture pints for wages, and provisions, for the debtor and family. '°‘ °X°°Pl* &°‘ Ar1>1tov1s1>, February 0, 1867. · Feb, 5, 1867. CHAP. XXXL —·— An Act to punish :`lZe_r;al Voting in the District of Columbia, and for Km 0t/ter Purposes. p‘ Z." Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Penalty for States of America, in Congress assembled, That any person not duly qual- §:f_°‘;:I‘§l2érY§;' ified to vote in the District of Columbia, who, knowing that he is not so m"JOt.,., i,, me qualified, shall vote or offer to vote therein, or who shall procure or ab
3fhg;>· tempt to procure himself to be registered therein as a voter, shall be pun-
,,0, ,,,,,;,,68,,, 0,, ished by imprisonment not exceeding six months, and not less than two for I procuring H101'1illS.
- %‘·€;_*}'°**°” M ” Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That if any person, being a quali-
,-,,,. l,,,,,w,,,g;,. fied voter in said District, shall knowingly vote or attempt to vote in any votiugornt- other ward or election precinct than that in which he shall be lawfully
f38‘;gt° entitled to vote, or shall unlawfully and knowingly vote or attempt to vote
or precinct, or more than once, or in more than one ward or election precinct, or shall so ¤l<>¤`¤ thm; 0*2% vote double therein, he shall be punished by imprisonment not exceeding Z; six months and not less than two months, and shall be disqualified from voting thereafter in said District. Judges of elec- Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That there shall he five judges of $l?'Eml¤unll'¤$h· elections within and for the city of Washington, and three within and for i;§,,,.g,m,,,,,,, the city of Georgetown, the same to be appointed by the supreme court their_number, of the District of Columbia, who shall hold their offices for two years and
- £_l:3':;i':;’,;‘& until their successors shall be appointed and qualified, and whose duty it
&c_shall be, prior to each election, to prepare a list of the persons qualified V¤¤i¤zliS¤· to vote in the several wards of said cities in any election; and said 5.,,5;;.,,,, fgp judges shall be in open session in their respective cities, to receive evi-
- ?<;;;<>°ii¤e Um dence of the qualifications of persons claiming the right to vote in any
'election therein, and for correcting said lists, on two days, not exceeding five days prior to each election for the choice of city officers, giving prior _ · notice of the time and place of each session in some newspaper. bcv°li';€dl¤;* *° I Sec.- 4. And be itlfurther enacted, That pripr to said election the said Fubm p],,,,, at Judges in the respective cities shall post up a list of voters thus prepared east teu days in one or more public places in said cities, and at least ten days prior before election. thereto_ clgigcaling Sec. 5. tdnd be it farther enacted, That all acts and parts of acts ill- ' consistent with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. Approved, February 5, 1867.