Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/429

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THIRTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 59, 60, 61. 1867. 399 and shall superlntend the execution of all the printing and binding for the and how desigmspeetive departments of the government now required by law to be ¤*‘{jg~dmm executed at the government printing office, and shall, in all respects, be ' governed by the laws in force in relation to the superintendent of public printing and the execution of the printing and binding. Sec. 3. And be it fcrlher enacted, That, from and after the passage of Office of suzhis act and the election of a congressional printer in pursuance thereofl £;Q{};°;'3§;f¤‘g the ofllce of superintendent of public printing shall be abolished, and abolished. the salary of the said officer shall be at the rate of four thousand dollars $*****5*- a ear. ySec. 4. And he it further enacted, That this act shall tuke effect from When not and after its passage, and all laws inconsistent. with its provisions are here- *’-lg? £;*· by repealed. cyan; S APPROVED, February 22, 1867. CHAP. LX.——An Act to alter the Places of holding the Circuit Courts of the Umled Feb, 22, 1867, States jbr the Rhode Island District. be Be is enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Slates of America in Congress assembled, That from and after the first Cimnitcourt day of July one tl1ou<and eight hundred and sixty-seven, the circuit courts g‘}"IQQ;£;‘f;£;d of the United States for the district of Rhode Island shall commence and where and whe.; be held at the United States court-room in the city of Providence, on the to M MW fifteenth day of November, and on the fifreenbh day of June, annually, instead of the places heretofore established by law: Provided. That when proviso_ either of the days Inst named shall fall on Sunday, the session of said court then next to be held shall commence on the Monday next. following. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That all indictments, informations, Provision for suits, or actions, and proceedings of every kind, whether of a civil or P¤¤di¤z PMB55- criminal nature, pending in the said circuit court on the first dny of July, anno Domini eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, shall thereafter have deny in court, and be proceeded in, heard, tried, and determined, on the days and at the place herein appointed for holding the said court, in the same manner, and with the same effect as if the said court had been holden on the days and at the places heretofore directed by law. Sec. 3. And be it jlerther enacted, That all writs, suits, actions, or re- Same subject. cognizances, or other proceedings, which are or shall be instituted, served, commenced. or taken to the said court to have been holden as heretofore, directed by law, shall be returnable to, entered in, heard, tried, and have day in court, in said court, to be holden at the times and place by this act directed, in the same manner as might and ought to have been done had the said court been holden at the times and places heretofore directed by law. Avrnovmn, February 22, 1867. CHAP. LXI. ——An Ad to establish and to protect N1t1'om1l Cemeteries. F€b_ 22 1g6g_ Be it enacted by the Senate cmd House of Representatives of the United Slatcs of America in Congress assembled, That in the arrangement of the National wm national cemeteries established for the burial of deceased soldiers and eteries to be ensailors, the Secretary of Wtur is hereby directed to have the same enclosed °I°$°d· with a good and substantial stone or iron fence ; and to cause each grave Graves to be to be marked with a small headstone, or block, with the number of the “"“`k°d· grave inscribed thereon, corresponding with the number opposite to the name of the party, in a register of burials to be kept at each cemetery Register tuba and at the ofllce of the qunrtermaster-general, which shall set forth the k°P¤· name, rank, company, regiment, and date of death of the officer or soldier; or, if unknown, it shall be so recorded. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of War is here-