I4 THIRTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 26, 27, 28. I866. April 5, 1866. CHAP. XXVI. -——An Act to provide for a Term wm District Court jbr the Distric! qf Dlirmesota, to be held at the City of imma in said District. _'I`eym of the Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United gl‘;*[QfiQe?1°é'fft§; States of America in Congress assemblei That hereafter, and until otherin zsgaunewm, os- wise provided by law, theic shall be held, annually, on the first; Monday gwlgggd M in June, a term of the district court of the United States for the district
“ of Minnesota at the city of Winona, in said district, and all process, writs,
and recognizancos, civil and criminal, which may have been, or may hereafter bc, issued and made returnable at Mankato, shall be returned to the said term of the said court at the said city of ¥Vinona, in like manner and with the like effect as if originally made returnable thereto. Term qt Man- Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That all acts or parts of acts which k°“° “b°h‘h°d· re uiro a term of said court to be held at ]Ma.nka.t0 in said district be and h 11 b 1 (1 ’ ’ ’ t. e same arc crc y, repca c . Approved, April 5, 1866. . Apr?} 6, 1866- CHAP. XXVII. —-An Act to amend the Ad entitled "An Act jbr the Relief of Seamen 1864, ch' 24S_ and Others borne on the Books of Vessels wrecked or hast in the naval Service," approved VOL xiii. p_ 3gg_ Julyjbur, eighteen hundred and sixtyfvur, and jbr other Puzposes. Auowimce to S Be it enacted Iby tfze Senate and House of Representatives of the Ezited Omcm in navy tate; of Anzerzca m Onngress assembled, That in case any officer of the $3-d {magic? amos nagyhorbmznnccgozgitonolgonrd atyesscl a13e employ if the United States wml mem by , y y h 7 y, m ac 1on mt a enemy, ns been or may bc (,,,5},,,;;,- or in sunk or otherwnsc destroyed, shall thereby have lost hxs personal cfccts, ¤·<=tw¤, &¤· the proper accounting officers arc hereby authorized, with the approval of augfuit ofnllow- t::; Secretary of. the Navy, to allow to such oficer a. sunn not exceeding t e amount of Ins sea pay for one month, as compensation for saud loss: Provisos. Provyded, that such loss has not occurred through the negligence or want of sk1l1 or Foresight of the officer making application for such icss: Provided, That the accounting officers shall in all cases require a schedule and ccrtiiicatc from the officer making the claim for eiflzcts so lost: And provzded fmjther, That no allowance shall be made by virtue of this act for any loss mcurred prior to the nineteenth day of April, eighteen hundred an sixty-one. qugwsg {Zing: of $1;;:.ait gg éurther enoclteg Ebola so much of the scycnth section fn°||$)&'0f [niri- and stl11a?), hun• n , · ., "b- - 811 1 C' r i_;¤?;;2¥?2:;§§;y enrolling augculling out the nzgiznal f:;§; ag; Eg §Fl;:1k;ur ;;s; ?;; , I . . . . ’ . ’ 2-:.,z»,s,·:;::$~· ;’£3Z?§€3f£;€‘¢· 2E;’€:.::?°m‘3$1€‘i;£:§;"“’“ *“"‘-‘““ and monwi repealed. from th _ I y y any manner or sefalman enlisting Hai ch. T5_ f c army {nto t oc navy moy hgvc received from the United Sxatcs, or v01_ xH_ p_ ·,31_ nom the State m xyhrch he cnhsted in the army, shall be deducted from the Tix, <;g§i1f;; §77· prxzc money t0_vyh1ch he may become entitled during the time required to ' ‘ ‘ ‘ complete his military service," bc, and the same is hereby, repealed. Ammovmn, April 6, 1866. __-pri! 7, 1866- CHAP. XXVIII.—An Act mak dd‘t' al A ‘- ¢s in tlye Appropriations jbr ézzgry E:£;?$$i ?}z g?1fr:€£?é€?gz c _;€;7•;l ear erzding the thzrtzeth of June, ezghteen hundred and sixty-six, and jbr Purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and Hou R‘ Dm I _ _ se of epresentatwes of the Hated pmpri:tf;Y °p gates of America m Uongress assembled, That the following sums bc, and 0 sgmc are hereby, appropriated, and to supply deficiencies in the apg;;>l5ng;t1olns,§<;1é;hc gcryme of the fiscal year ending the thirticth of June, n un an sxxt ·six out o a e th tr - cms egvisc ¤ppr¤p»1m.1, ,.,,m§y, ’ "Y "'°“ Y “‘ ° °”“’Y “‘” °"‘ ¤¤‘V¢Y· fSurvey.qf the Ooas{.— Ftor the survey of the Atlantic and Gulf coasts 0 the United Stajes, mcluding compensation of civilians engaged in the work, and cxcluding pay and emolumeubs of officors of the army and navy