Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/489

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THIRTY—NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CII. 167. 1867. 459 For repairs and renovations to the seaswall at lighthouse depot, Staten Lighthouse Island, New York, eighteen thousand dollars. f;g*:LS*°*°¤ For landing wharf, roadway, and coal-shed, at the Staten Island depot, fifteen thousand dollars. For workshops for lampists, blacksmiths, ooopers, at Staten Island depot, fifteen thousand dollars. For repairs and renovations at Morgan’s Point light-station, twelve l}l°¤‘8¤¤’¤ thousand dollars. P°"°t' For tramways, grading, and fences and dredging at the Staten Island depot, eight thousand dollars. For protection of the lighthouse site at Absecom, New Jersey, five Absecom. thousand dollars. For rebuilding the lighthouse at Egg Island, New Jersey, fifteen thou- Egg Island. sand dollars. For constructing a buoy-shed at the lighthouse depot, Staten Island, Staten Island. New York, three thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight dollars. For a beacon-light at Somers’s Cove, Maryland, ten thousand dollars. Somers's Cove. For rebuilding the first-class lighthouse at Cape Hatteras, North Caro- Cape Hatteras. lina, seventy-tive thousand dollars. For repairs and renovations at Tybee Island light-station, in addition to Tybee Island. former appropriations, thirty-four thousand four hundred and forty-three dollars. For rebuilding the lighthouse at Cape Canaveral, Florida, and fitting Cape Canavit up with a first order catadioptric illuminating apparatus, in addition to °*“I· former uppropriations, twenty-one thousand four hundred and seventy dollars. For repairs and renovations at Pensacola light-station, twenty thousand P°¤¤¤°°l¤- dollars. For rebuilding Sand Island light-station, eighty thousand dollars. Sand Island. For rebuilding Mobile Point lighthouse, which the lighthouse board Mobile Point. are hereby authorized to do upon a more eligible site, if such can be found, twenty thousand dollars. For repairs and renovations of the following light-stations, viz: East Repairs, & Pascagoula, Tohefuncti, Pass Manchac, Bayou Saint John, and Choctaw "“'l°“’ “°*l°”’· Point, fifty-three thousand five hundred dollars. For beacon-light on Sister Island, Saint Lawrence River, ten thousand stem mud, dollars. For repairs and renovations at the light·station on West Sister Island, Lake Erie, twelve thousand dollars. For additional appropriation for range-lights at Maumee Bay, Ohio, Maumee Bay. tive thousand dollars. For repairs and renovations at Bayley’s Harbor light-station, Michigan, Bayley’s Harfifteen thousand dollars. b°"‘ For repairs and renovations at Bois Blanc Island light-station, Michi- Bois Blanc lsgan, fourteen thousand dollars. 1°"d‘ For new lighthouse on the South Fox Island, Lake Michigan, eighteen South Fox Isthousand dollars. 1******- For a new lighthouse and fog-signal on Granite Island, Lake Superior, Granite Island. twenty thousand dollars. For rebuilding and improving the lighthouse at Skillagalee (Isle aux Skillagalee. Galets), Lake Michigan, forty thousand dollars. For day-beacon to mark Stanard’s Rock, Lake Superior, ten thousand Stanard’s dollars. R°°k· For new lighthouse at Sturgeon Point, Lake Huron, fifteen thousand Sturgeon dollars. P~¤=· For new lanterns at the light-stations at Grand River and Milwaukee, Grand River (North Point), three thousand dollars. “"d M'l°'““k°°‘ For rebuilding the keeper’s dwelling at Presque Isle light-station, Lake Presquo Isle. Huron, seven thousand five hundred dollars.