Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/515

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THIR'1`Y—NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 169, 170. 1867. 485 shall be levied but once within one year, and when paid by such ship, vessel, or steamer, no further tonnage tax shall be collected within one year from the date of such payment. Sm. 34. And be it further enacted, That all acts or parts of acts in- TRX gn advu. consistent with this act, and all acts and parts of acts imposing any tax *iS<>m€¤¢S_¤¤d npnn advertisements, or the gross receipts of toll-roads, are hereby re- §Q°f§,fjf,‘;l’;°r°_ poaled z Provided, That this act shall not be construed to affect any act pealed. _ done, right accrued, or penalty incurred, under former acts, but every l”°°”$‘“°¤* . · . . . ants repealed. such right is hereby saved ; and all suits and prosecutions for acts already done in violation of any former act or acts of Congress relating to the savzngctause, subjects embraced in this act may be commenced or proceeded with in like manner as if this act had not been passed ; and all penal clauses and provisions in existing laws relating to the subjects embraced in this act shall be deemed applicable thereto. Arr-novice, March 2, 1867. . L. ’. —An Act makin A ro riations or the u on 0 rm r . Cnilegr gr};;` June thirticth, sig/ztgm and sictyeig/tf d,::.! _]b}·f‘otlth:r1;’wfoo`£bes. the Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the fbllowing sums be, Army appro. and the same are hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the treasury P*i¤¤i<>¤· not otherwise appropriated, for the support of the army for the year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight :-— For expenses of recruiting, transportation of recruits, and compeusa- Rccmmng tion to citizen surgeons for medical attendance, three hundred thousand su1dpuyofciti— dOU:u.S‘ ZC!) S\1l`gC0l'IS• For pay of the army, fourteen million seven hundred and fifty-seven p,,y_ thousand nine hundred and fifty-two dollars. For commutation of officers’ subsistence, two million two hundred and Comrputation twenty-eight thousand nine hundred and eighty-two dollars, g;:‘;.€:;?§"°" For commutation of forage for officers’ horses, one hundred and four ° ` thousand six hundred dollars. For payments in lieu of clothing for officers? servants, two hundred and _ Pnymentsjn seventy-six thousand nine hundred and seventy-eight dollars. hw °f °l°tl"“g· For payments to discharged soldiers for clothing not drawn, two hundred thousand dollars. For contingencies of the army, cnc hundred thousand dollars. Contingencies. For artificial limbs for soldiers and seamen, seventy thousand dollars. _ Artificial For army medical museum, ten thousand dollars. l"’,ll’;£HcM mu_ For medical works for library of surgeon-general’s office, ten thousand w]m_ dollars_ Medical works. For expenses of commanding-generals office, ten thousand dollars. (;0mmm,(n,,g- For Jfepairs and Lnprouememts of Armories and Arscnals. —— For arse- S°¤¤¤j“l’¤_<>fli¢¤- nal and armory at Rock Island, Illinois, six hundred and eighty-six m,£:,:lgr'°° °““l thousand five hundred dollars. _ Rock Island. For the erection of a bridge at Rock Island, Illinois, as recommended Bridge nt Rock by the chief of ordnance, two hundred thousand dollars: Provided, That hlglgoiso the ownership of said bridge shall be and remain in the United States, " and the Rock Island and Pacific Railroad Company shall have the right of way over said bridge for all purposes of transit across the island and river, upon the condition that the said company shall, before any money is expended by the government, agree to pay and shall secure to the United States, first, halt' the cost of said bridge ; and, second, hall' the expenses of keeping said bridge in repair, and upon guaranteeing said conditions to the sutisfhclion of the Secretary of War, by contract or otherwise, the said company shall have the free use of said bridge for purposes of transit, but without any claim to ownership thereofl I