26 THIRTY—NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 28, 29. 1866. Naval academy. To supply a deficiency in the appropriation for the naval academy for the fiscal year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, one hundred and seventy-eight thousand and sixty-four dollars. U 3, A, Klgpfgr, To pay H. A. Klopfer for ten m0nths’ service, as a lahprer in the office of the Attorney General, at forty dollars per month, tour hundred dollars. Post-office, Sw., For certain alterations to the post-0tHce portion of the building in Portb““d‘“g “* P°“' land, Maine, used for post-office, cust.0m·house, and court-house, five thouhmd` sand dollars: Provided, That no part of the money hereby appropriated for claims due for the construction and furnishing the Baltimore courthouse, and for the payment of claims due for the repairs of the government warehouses and the construction wharves, Staten Island, New York, shall be paid for damages, and no payments whatever shall be made unless upon a full examination of the proper department of the government, and a certificate by the Attorney General that the said amounts 1:0 be paid are just, legal and proper. Additional pay Sec. 13. And be it further enacted, That such sum as may·he required ‘;g6&*'2:I°;lf’€·3 to pay the additional compensation provided by section three of "An not Vo1.,xiii.p. iso,. making appropriations for the legislative, executive, and Judicial expenses of the government for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, and for other purp0ses,” approved June twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, up to and including the thirtieth day of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, be, and the same is hereby, approriated. Salaries ofofii- P Sec. 14. And be il further enaclei That from and after the first day of °""S Qf th° “F'“‘° April, eivhteen hundred and sixty-six, there shall be paid annually, instead at Philadelphia, ¤ , . . , and Msgsmut of the yearly salaries at present authorized, to the Director of the Mint at ¤'¤¤S¤F¤FS· Philadelphia, four thousand five hundred dollars; to the Treasurer, three thousand five hundred dollars, and one thousand five hundred dollars for additional compensation as assistant treasurer of the United States ; to the melter and refiner, three thousand dollars; to the assayer, three thousand dollars; to the assistant to the assayer, two thousand dollars; to the chief coiner, three thousand dollars; to the assistant to the chiefcoiner, two thou— sand dollars; to the engraver, three thousand dollars; to one clerk, two thousand Eve hundred dollars; to two clerks, two thousand dollars each; to four clerks, one thousand five hundred dollars each; to the treasurer of the branch mint at San Francisco, for salary as assistant treasurer of the United States, in addition to his salary as treasurer of said mint, one thousand Eve hundred dollars; to the assistant treasurer of the United States at New York, eight thousand dollars; to the assistant treasurer of the United States at Boston, five thousand dollars; to the assistant treasurer 0f' the United States at Saint Louis, five thousand dollars ; and the amount necessary to carry these provisions into effect for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, is hereby appropriated. APPROVED, April 7, 1866. April 7, 1866. CHAP. XXIX.—An Act to provide Arms and Ammunition for the Dqfmce of the Inhabitants of Dakota Territory. Arms and um- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represenlatives of the United }¤“¤m°¤ fm' d‘?‘ States of America in Uongress assembled That the Secretary of \V3I` b€ ence of inhabi- . . . ’ . . . . ’ um of Dakota and he is hereby, authorized and directed to 1ssue, upon the requisition of Territory. the governor of Dakota Territory, such amount of ordnance aud ordnance stores as may be necessary to arm the inhabitants of said Territory who may organize for defence against hostile Indians, not exceeding one thousand stand of small-arms and one hundred thousand rounds of ammunition, to be charged against the quota due, or to become due, to the Territory under the laws for arming and equipping the militia. Approved, April 7, 1866.
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