Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/573

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THIRTY—NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 179 -— 182. 1867. 543 be called the Montana district and the Arizona district respectively, and the·President is hereby authorized to appoint, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, a register and receiver of public moneys for Registers and each of said districts respectively, who shall be required to reside at the ’°°°"’°""i places at which said offices shall be located, and they shall have the same their duties powers, perform the same duties, and be entitled to the same compensa— g’::_°°mP°“*“‘ tion as are or may be prescribed by law in relation to land offices of the United States in other Territories. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Interior L<>c¤¢i<>¤<>f<>f- is hereby authorized to lpcate said offices of surveyor-general and regis- H°°"‘ ters and receivers 0 ub ic moneys. Sec. 4. And be itlyntrther enacted, That the Territory of Arizona is t nlrigopa athereby attached to the surveying district of California. vigigg difllzcof Approved, March 2, 1867. C,m,~0,.m_ CHAP. CLXXX.——An Act supplernentary tt;thZ;1e;;eral Acts of Congress abolishing March 2, 1867. IIZPTLSOHTHBH 0T` • Be it enacted by the Senate and House af Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That whenever, upon mesne di;g;:‘:l;‘g;£" process or execution issuing out of any of the courts of the United States, ,,,,p,,SO$,me,,t’ any defendant therein is arrested or imprisoned, he shall be entitled to &c, for debt, to discharge from such arrest or imprisonment in the same manner as if he g};§’lllL;;£;°§FS° was so arrested or imprisoned on like process of the State courts in the me United same district. And the same oath may be taken, and the same length of Sbgcsh t_ notice thereof shall be required, as is provided by such State laws; and &c_M ’ no l°°’ all modifications, conditions, and restrictions upon imprisonment for debt, now existing by the laws of any State, shall be applicable to process issuing out of the courts of the United States therein, and the same course of roceedinvs shall be ado ted as now are or ma be in the courts of sucli States. b But all such plroceedings shall be had before some one of P'°°°°dl“E°*° . . . . . . be had before the lconliirnlssfonezs appointed by the United States circuit court to take c,,m,,,,ss,,m,,,.,_ in an a iis1v1.. Approved, March 2, 1867. CHAP. CLXXXI.—-An Act authorizing the Secretarz of the Nav ta tranyer the United States iron-clad “Onondaga," to George Qizintard, of Ngw York. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Mzited States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Navy O Thggznglad be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to deliver to George Quin- b,,“?;l,,nS*{*,,,,,,dl}(, tard, of New York, for his own use and bchoof, the United States iron- George Qn1n· clad Onondaga, upon payment by said Quintard, his heirs and assigns, to wld' the treasury of the United States, the sum of seven hundred and fifty- nine thousand six hundred and seventy-three dollars. Approved, March 2, 1867. CHAP. CLXXXII. -—An Act to authorize the Establishment of Ocean Blail Steamship Mufcll Z, 1867- Service between the (hzitcd States and the Hawaiian Islands. ___`__`_` Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Ulzitcd _ States of America in Congress assembled, That the Postmaster-General sti/,[;:mLySl;,°`jll bc, and he is hereby, authorized to invite proposals, by public advertise- vice between ment, for the period of sixty days, in one or more newspapers published S'? g"*‘“¥lj°° in the cities of Washington, New York, Boston, and San Francisco, re— allprosgzgz, Bpcctively, for mail steamship service between the port of San Francisco, be advertised in the United States, and the port of Honolulu, in the Hawaiian islands, f"' by means of a monthly line of first-class American sea—going steamships, to be of not less than one thousand tons, government measurement, each, and of sufficicnt number to perform twelve round trips per annum, be-