Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/586

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556 THIRTY-—NIN TH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 191, 192. 1867.

:;•::-r¤¤f¤¤ From Perryville, JeH`crs0u County, to Oskaloosa, JGEBTSOD County.

°°§‘ A route from Carlyle, Allen County, be 'Gcneva, Allen County. A route from Fort Scott, Kansas, via Mapleton, Xenia, in Bourbon Count , to Garrett, Anderson Count . Frohn Cottonwood Falls to Junctign City. A1¤r·120v1:1>, March 2, 1867. March 2, 1867- CHAP. CXCII. —An Act to incorporate the National Capitol Insurance Company. Be it enacted Qy the Senate and House of Representatives of the Z/Zzized

 N¤fi<>¤¤T Gap- States of America in Congress assembled, That Green Adams, Erastus

g'gg§;g;*‘?sfm_ Poulson, Joseph J. Coombs, Robert Leech, John B. Clark, J r., J. P. Rezporaced. nor, Fergus M. Blair, Robert L. Owen, and Joseph W. Parish, and others who may become members, are hereby created a body politic and corporate, by the name and style of the “National Capital Insurance C0mpany," for the purpose of carrying on the business of insurance at the city of Washington, in the District of Columbia, and elsewhere, subject to the P°W°¤· laws of the several States, and shall and may have perpetual succession, and shall be capable in law of contracting and being contracted with, and 0f suing and being sued, pleading and being impleaded, in all courts of competent jurisdiction, either in law or equity, in this district or elsewhere, subject to the laws of the States as afbresaid, and they and their bw- successors shall and may have a common seal, and may change the same Directors, by- at their will and pleasure; and may also, from time to time, at any meetl°‘w“*&°‘ ing of their directors, by a majority of votes as hereinafter provided, ordaiu, establish, and put in execution such by-laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations, the same not being contrary to this act or the laws of the United States, as may appear to them necessary or expedient for the management {>f said corporation, its business and aH"airs, and may from time to time a ter or repeal the same or an of them.

:E;;”;‘:1“P· Sec. 2. Ami be it further enacted? That the said company shall have

against gccp power to make msurunce upon the lives and health of persons, and against dams. accidents of any and all kinds; to issue tickets, or policies, or both, as the board of directors may determine; and to cause themselves to be insured, yvhen deemed expedient, against risks upon which they may have made msurance. Directors. Sec. 3. And be it jhrlher enacted, That the aH`ai1s of said company shall be managed by a board of directors, consisting of not less than five members, or stockholders, three of whom shall constitute a quorum 5 said E!<>¤'¤i<>¤¤· directors shall be elected by ballot from among the members and stockholders of said company, in general meeting assembled, at such times and Notice. places as said corporation in it by-laws shall appoint; of which election public notice shall be given ten days preceding such election, which shall be held under the inspection of members or stockholders, to be appointed for the purpose, for the first election, by the persons named in the first section of this act, and thereafter by members and stockholders, not being directors, to be appointed previous to every election by the board of di- Ballot. rectors, and such election shall be made by ballot, and by a plurality of Proxies. Phe votes of the members or stockholders, or their proxies, present, allow-

 {ng to each member or stockholder one vote for every fifcy dollars in cap-

V”’°"'·“°‘°'· ml stock represented in said company. All vacancies in said board may be Hlled for the unexpired terms by the remaining directors, and the persons chosen to 611 such vacancies shall continue in office until others shall m;f¤¤‘m mm- ggcggiein {rf their pknces ; aP1d offer efeetion? shall ge held on £1e fire;

 prn 0 eac year, or e c 01ce 0 new 1rect0rs. e sm

“¥:;gi<;¥: :¤d board of directors shall elect, viva voce, a president, vice—president, secre- ‘ Fary, treasurer, and general agent, who may bold their offices for and during the term of one year, unless sooner removed by the board of directors, or unul others are elected in their places.