Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/601

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THIRTY—NINTH CONGRESS. Sicss. II. RES. 45, 46, 47, 48. '1867. 571 . 5. Join¢.Resolzdlon or lhs erection 0 anh2 .

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Be il resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Uziud Smeg of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War is _B¤‘°¤¤° °q¤°•· hereby authorized and directed to contract with Henry K. Brown, Esq., gQ:$;°’}_t;§,fQn_ of Newburgh, New York, at a price not exceeding twenty thousand unt-General dollars, for an equestrian statue, in bronze, of Brevet. Lieutenant-Gem Wi“°°ld s°°“· eral Winueld Scott, to be made of the guns captured in Mexico, and to be placed on Franklin Square, in the city of Washington, or such other place in the said city as the Secretary of War may designate. Approved, March 2, 1867. No.46. Jointliesolutianprofzzlzntz" Paymentb a o !}a¢Govemmentt0 March!, 86. {Persmlnoclmown to}cavebeev2oppl:sgedtot}¤cReb`zlItb'·!1i f{vorofi¢s Supprmianclvny "`LLL Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Sade; of America in Congress assembled, That until otherwise ordered it P¤ym¤¤f by shall be unlawful for any officer of the United States government to pay :QLe$,°¥1';f’“° any account, claim, or demand against said government, which accrued or person not existed prior to the thirteenth day of April, A. D. eighteen hundred and b¤°"“ **° ;*d'°w sixty-one, in favor of any person who promoted, encouraged, or in any tggzeigfzom manner sustained the late rebellion; or in favor_of' any person who, &¤. prohibited. during said rebellion, was not known to be opposed thereto, and distinctly in favor of its suppression; and no pardon heretofore granted, or hereafter to be granted, shall authorize the dpayment of such account, claim, or demand, until this resolution is mo ined or repealed: Provided, That this Provincresolution shall not be construed to prohibit the payment of claims founded upon contracts made by any of the departments, where such claims were assigned or contracted to be assigned prior to April first, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, to creditors of said contractors, loyal citizens of loyal States, in payment of debts incurred prior to March first, eighteen hundred and sixty-one. Approved, March 2, 1867. [No. 47.] Joint Resolution to amend Section Five of an Ad enlided ‘€An Act to increase Much 3, 1851, Duties cm Imports and for oiha Purposes/’ approved June thirtieth, one thousand eight hundred and szztyzfbur. { 5, Be it resolved hy the Senate and House df Reproserctatives of the United VOL mf p' 208° States of America, in Congress assembled, That the paragraph of section Gawain d¤¤y five of an act entitled “An act to increase duties on imports, and for other &°' purposes," approved June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, as follows, to wit: “On lastiugs, mohair cloth, silk, twist, wool, or other manufactured cloth woven or made in patterns of such size, shape, and SeeVol.x·v.p. form, or cut in such manner as to be fit for shoes, slippers, bootees, gaiters 2* and buttons exclusively, not combined with India. rubber, ten per cent ad val0rem," be, and the same is hereby, repealed. Sec. 2. And be it further resolved, That from and after the passage of Machinery for this resolution, machinery for the manufacture of beet sugar, nndimported mgm:? for that purpose solely, shall be exempted from duty. empt from duty. Approved, Maz-ch 2, 1867. [No. 48.] A Resolution to facilitate the Settlement of Awoun¢s of dbbursing Qdicm. March 9. 1867- Resolved by the Semzte and House of Representative: of the United _ Slate: of America,{n Congress assembkd, That so much of the act•en· flitglégil t>1l"%'¤ titled "An act to provide for the more prompt settlement of the accounts °V0,_xi{_$,_’5,B_‘ of disbursing officers,” approved July seventeen, eighteen hundred and ` sixty-two, as provides that “ such accounts with the vouchers necessary to the correct and prompt settlement thereof, shall be rendered direct to the