Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/619

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Tl·llRTY—-NIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. l. Ch. 119, 120, 121. 1866. 589 CHAP. CXIX. -—An Act to confirm the Gram of certain Lands to Jose' Domingues, in June 12, 1866. Calfwnia. `°""°°_* Be it enacted [gy the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the grant to José Doniin- Land grant to gueg of the land known as Los Prietos y Najalayegua, in the county of —l°S*é D¤=§i¤z¤¤¤ Santa, Barbara, granted to him at Los Augelos, September twenty-four, mm me ' eighteen hundred and forty-tive, by Governor Pio Pico, and approved by the departmental assembly of Alta California, June third, eighteen hundred and forty-six, is hereby confirmed. And the surveyor-general of California is hereby directed to proceed and survey said lands in accord- S¤¤'¢Y· ance with the original title papers on file in his office, and when said survey shall have been approved by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, a patent shall be issued for said lands to said Domingues or parties Patent. holding under him by inheritance or otherwise. This confirmation shall _ only be construed as a relinquishment on the part of the United States, UQl’“’“,°f *h° . mted btatcs and shall not atiject th; adggrsse right of any person whomsoever, only released Arrnovso, une 1* , 1 . CHAP. CE. —-An Act fw the Rdiefqfllfrs. Anna G. Gaston. June 12, 1866. Be it enacted by tha Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Inte- Pension to rior is hereby directed to place upon the pension roll the name of Mrs. A“"“ G‘G”t°"‘ Anna G. Gaston, of the city of lVashington, widow of Albert G. Gaston, deceased. late a lieutenant in the sixteenth regiment of Virginia volunteers, from the date of the discharge of her said husband irom the military service of the United States, on account of disability arising from disease contracted in the said service, until the date of his death, namely, from the nfth clay of May, in the year eighteen hundred and sixty~three, to the seventh day of February, in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-five, and to ca.u—e to be paid to the said Mrs. Anna G. Gaston a pension at the rate of seventeen dollars per month for the said term, without prejudice to the pension heretofore allowed her by the Commissioner of Pensions. Approved, June 12, 1866. CHAP. CXXI —An Act jbr the Relief of llfuria Syphax. June 12, 1866._ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the title to a piece of land S lglc of Maria being part of the Arlington estate, in the county of Alexandria, in the L”;,,;(;;$;,,_ State of Virginia, upon which Maria Syphax has resided since about the ginia eonurmed year eighteen hundred and twenty-six, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at the intersection of the south line of said Arlington estate with the centre line of a small run, said point of intersection being about one lonrth of a mile from the southwest corner of said Arlington estate, running thence westerly along said south line seven chains and forty links; thence in a northeasterly direction, on a line making an angle of thirty-tive degrees with the said south line, twenty-two chains and thirty-eight links; thence at right angles, in a southeasterly direction fifteen chain— and sixty-seven links to the said south line of the Arlington estate ; thence westerly along the said south line of the said Arlington estate nineteen chains and ninety-two links, to the place of beginning, containing seventeen acres and fifty-three one hundredths of an acre of land, be the same more or less, be, and the same is hereby, released and confirmed unto the said Maria Syphax, her heirs and assigns. Approved, June 12, 1866.