Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/67

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THlR.'l.`Y—NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 45. 1866. 37 For testing the use of petroleum as a fuel under marine boilers, five Petroleumas thousand dollars. f“°l· For the construction of a levee on the river-front of the government I-¤*'¤°¤¤M°¤¤d property at Mound City, Illinois, seven thousand dollars. Cn)" To pay mileage of visitors to the Naval Academy, one thousand dol- emI`;“""1 A°“d` lars.` For expenses of Naval Academy, viz : for pay of civil officers, professors, watchmen and others, contingent expenses, improvements and repairs, one hundred and ninety-eight thousand four hundred and twenty- nine dollars. For the purchase of the land adjacent to the Naval Academy at Annapolis, belonging to the State of l\Iaryland, and known as the government house and grounds, twenty-five thousand dollars. For the purchase of other grounds at Annapolis for the use of the Naval Academy, twenty-Eve thousand dollars. For the erection of a building suitable for the accommodation of the third and fourth classes at the Naval Academy, one hundred thousand dollars. For the erection of a machine-shop at the Naval Academy, twenty thousand dollars. For the increase of the library at the Naval Academy, two thousand dollars. For the enlargement of the chapel at the Naval Academy, and for the erection of mural tablets therein to commemorate the memory of naval officers who have sacrificed their lives in the service of the country, seven thousand dollars. NAVAL onsnnvuoizr. · mligtial Observ- For the pay of assistant astronomer, three aids, and clerk, eight thousand dollars. For wages of instrument maker, two watchmen, porter, and messenger; for keeping grounds in order, and repairs to buildings and enclosures ; for fuel, light, omceturniture, and stationery, and for freight, transportation, postage, and incidental expenses, twelve thousand dollars. For preparing for publication the American Nautical Almanac, fifteen _A£¤Ki¤¤¤N¤¤· thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars. tw mam"' NAVAL Asrmm, rrxrrztnsnrnrit. N¤V¤lA¤:·‘i¤¤¤· For furniture and repairs to same, one thousand dollars. For house-cleaning and whitewashing, eight hundred dollars. For furnaces, grates, and ranges, seven hundred dollars. For gas and water rent, one thousand five hundred dollars. For improvement of grounds, three hundred dollars. For wharves and lots, eight hundred dollars. For painting houses and walls, two thousand dollars. For repairs of all kinds, one thousand dollars. For support of beneficiaries, forty-eight thousand dollars. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That so much of the first section of Am€¤¢lm€¤*¤J the act making appropriations for the naval service, approved May twenty- Q? 1864* Ch' 93* tirst, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, as appropriates two hundred and Vol. xiii. p. 65. fifty thousand dollars " for bounties for destruction of enemies’ vessels, as Bounttes for per act of July seventeenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two," be amended g§;;‘;§;";';_‘;g1S so that said appropriation shall apply to all cases of destruction of enen1ies’ ° ` vessels during the recent rebellion, and at the same rate as is provided in the act to which reference is made. Sec. 3. And be it fiu·t/zcr enacted, That no portion of the amounts No payments herein appropriated shall be paid in violation of the provisions of the act ;°;flQ;lf;Qg;°ga(:g entitled "An act to prescribe an oath of office, and for other purposes," 1862, ch. 128. l approved July second, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, Vol. xii. p- 502.