646 THIRTY—NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Rus. 70, 71, 72. 1867: gill g*_l:¤d EW- be directed to cause to be paid to William T. Connell, John Keplinger, c0*:.,{d`_° °a° and Isaac Conrad, full pay and allowances as private soldiers from August seventeenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, to January ninth, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, on presentation of satisfactory proof that they were duly enlisted in the seventh regiment West Virginia volunteers as such, and that their muster into service was prevented by their capture and detention as prisoners of war, from September seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, to the date embraced by this resolution. Approved, March 2, 1867. March 2, 1se7. [1*10. 70.] A Resolution for the Relief of Qyer B. Peuyohn. Resolved by the Senate and fbuse of Representatives of the United Paymentto States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War lg;' B·P°*“‘ be directed to cause to be paid to Dyer B. Pettijohn the full pay and Jemoluments of a second lieutenant of infantry, of the iirst company of sharpshooters, Minnesota volunteers, from the thirtieth day of May, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, to the twentieth day of May, eighteen hundred and sixty-Eve, deducting therefrom any amount he may have received as an enlisted man during the time specified. APPROVED, March 2, 1867. mm-cu 2, 1807. [No. 71.] Jem Resolution for the Relief of J. H Riley. . Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Paynqentto &ates of America in Congress assembled, That the sum of two hundred J' H' R‘1°Y‘ dollars be allowed and paid to J. H. Riley for services rendered by him as clerk to the house committee on the Pacific railroad during the first and second sessions of the present Congress. Approved, March 2, 1867. March 2, 1867. o. 72. A Resolution authorizi Gustavus K Fox, hte Assistant Seudavyo ‘—"_" [NNae_yl and the Ojteerzpf the lrbiidad "Miantomomu}z " and Gnmbuat •‘Augusta`{;fl: accept Presents tender them by the Emperor of Russia. Resolved bg the Senate and House of Representatives of tbs United Gustavus V, States of America in Congress assembkd, That Gustavus V. Fox, late f&’;e:l‘::;”;; assistant secretary of the navy, and the officers of the iron-clad “Miantocept pmegu nomah" and gunboat “Augusta," may accept any books or other presents from We Erpps- which have been tendered to them by the Emperor of Russia on the rg;;?;;;;,,, occasion of their late visit to Russia. And that the presents hereby muybeadmitted authorized to be received may be admitted into the ports of the United
- °° °f d“*Y· States free of duty.
Approved, March 2, 1867.