Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/731

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TREATY WITH THE LOWER BRULE INDIANS. OCTOBER 14, 1865. 701 had previously been read, interpreted, and explained to the said chiefs and headmen. NEWTON EDMUNDS, EDWARD B. TAYLOR, S. R. CURTIS, Major- General, H. H. SIBLEY, Brigadier- General, HENRY W. REED, ORRIN GUERNSEY, Commissioners on the part of the United States. Chiefs. MUZ-ZAH—WY-AH-TAY, The Iron Nation, his x mark. TAH-TON·KAH-WAK-KON, Medicine Ball, hiscx mark. PTA·SON-WE-CHAK-TAY, The One who Killed the White Buffalo Cow, his x mark. SHE-O-TCHE-KAH, Little Pheasant, his x mark. PTA-SAN-MAN·NEE, White Buffalo Cow that walks, his x mark. CHON-TAY-O-KIT-E-KAH, The Brave Heart, his x mark. TAH·O-PEE, The Wounded Man, his x mark. WAG-AH-MO-AH—WIN, The Gourd Ear Rings, his x mark. E—CHAP-SIN-TA·MUZ-ZAH, The Iron Wliip, his x mark. Chief Soldiers. ZE—TE-KAH-DAN-SAP—PAH, The Blackbird, his x mark WAH—}IAH-CHUNKI-E-UN-ICA, The Shield that Runs, his x mark. MUCK-A-PEE—E-CHASH-NAH, The Cloud that Rattles, his x mark. IS—TO-O-PEE, The Wounded Arm, his x mark. MIN-DO-TON-KAH—CHE-KAH, The Little Partisan, his x mark. WAH-MIN-DEE-SHON-TON·KAH, The War Eagle with Large Feathers, his x mark. Signed by the Commissioners on the part of the United States, and by the chiefs and headmen, after the treaty had been fully read, interpreted, and explained in our presence :-- A. W. HUBBARD, MZ Cf 6th dist. Ewa. S. S. Cunrrs, Maj. 2d Colorado Cav., Bvt. Lt. Col. VV. S. WOODS, Surgeon Ul S. Vols. E. F. RUTH, Scc’y to Commission. R. R. Hrrr, Rep’r of Oom’n. Znrnucn Riccorrran, his x mark, Interpreter. Cnnnmcs Dnons, his x mark, " And whereas the said treaty having been submitted to the Senate of the United States for its constitutional action thereon, the Senate did, on the fifth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six, advise and consent to the ratification of the same, with an amendment, by a 'resclution in the words and figures following, to wit:-— IN Exncorxvm Session, Smrnrn or frm: Umrnn Sryrss, ]March 5, 1866. Resolved, (two thirds of the Senators present concurring,) That the Ratined with Senate advise and consent to the ratincation of the treaty between the *‘m°“‘1“‘°“*· United States of America, by their Commissioners, and the chiefs and