Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/737

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TREATY WITH THE CHEYENN ES AND ARRAPAHOES. Ocr. I4, 1865. 707 In testimony whereof, the said Commissioners as aforesaid, and the Execution. undersigned chiefs and headmen of the confederated tribes of the Arrapahoes and Cheyennes of the Upper Arkansas, have hereunto set their hands and seals, at the place and on the day and year first hereinbefore written. JOHN B. SANBORN, snr,. WM. S. HARNEY, san.. '1`HOS. MU_RPHY, snr.. KIT CARSON, sur., WM. W. BENT, san,. J. H. LEAVENWORTH, san,. JAMES STEELE. smanl Commissioners on the part q/' the United States. MOKE-TA-VE~TO, or Black Kettle, head chief, his x mark. [snr.,] OH-TO-AH-NE-SO-TO-WHEO, or Seven Bulls, chief; his x mark. sun..] HARK-KAH-O-ME, or Little Robe, chief, his x mark. SEAL.] MOKE-TAH-VO-VE-HO, or Black White Man, chief, his x mark. [sun,.] MUN-A-MEN-EK, or Eagle’s Head, headman, his x mark. [san,.] O-TO-AH-NIS-TO, or Bull that Heats, headman, his x mark. [sms;.] On the part of the Cheyenne:. OH-HAS-TEE, or Little Raven, head chief, his x mark. sun..] OH-HAl·I-MAH·HAH, or Storm, chief, his x mark. sun. PAH-UF-PAH¤TOP, or Big Mouth, chief; his x mark. [SEAL.] AH-CRA—KAH-TAU-NAH, or Spotted Wolf, chief, . his x mark. [sm:..] AH-NAH-WAT—TAN, or Black Man, headman, his x mark. [san.] NAH·A-NAH-CHA, or Chief in Everything, headman, his x mark. sun. CHI·E-NUK, or Haversack, headman, his x mark. {sean.] On the part of the Arrapahoea. Signed and sealed in the presence of -— Joram S. Smru, UI S. Lzterpreter. W. R. Inwm, 0. T. Arwoon, Secretaries. S. A. Kmemm, D. C. McNair., E. W. Wruxoor, Bon. H. VAN Hsvun, J. E. Banana, W. W. Rrcu. And whereas, the said treaty having been submitted to the Senate of Bstiacstion the United States for its eonstitutional action thereon, the Senate did, on maxgg the twenty-seeond day of May, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six, advise and consent to the ratification of the BRIDE, with amendments, by u resolution in the words and iigures following, to wit : -—