Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/8

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viii LIST OF THE PUBLIC ACTS OF CONGRESS. Page li s of assen ers on board of vessels propelled in whole or in art by steam, to regulate til; salaiies of éiteamboat inspectors, and for other purposes. July 25, 1866, ch. 234 .. 227 Pemnkms. An act increasing the pensions o£’widows and orphans, and for other purposes. July 23c 25, 1866, ch. 235 . . . . Z I Jail. Anpet authoriging the construction of a jail in and for the District of Columbia. July 231 25, 866, c . 2 6 . Deelaraffiw. An act to annul the thirty-fourth section of the declaration of rights of txgamf Maryland, so far as it applies to the District of Columbia. July 25, 1866, 23 ch. 287 .. . ...,.. 2 House ¢g"`)C'arre5tipn. An Gséct to establish in the District of Columbia a house of correction for 232 ys. u y 25, 18 , c ... . .. Soldiers' and`Sailm·s’ Union. An act to incorporate “The Soldiers' and Sailors Union," of Washington, D. C. July 25, 1866, ch. 239 ... I I . · 235 Llamiages and Children of Colored Persons. An act legalizing marriages and for other purposes m the District of Columbia. July 25, 1866, eh. 240 . 236 Lands toKa.nsas. An act granting lands to the State of Kansas to-aid in the construction of the Kansas and Neosho Val ey Railroad and its extension to Red River. July 25, 1866, 236 eh. 241 . . Public Lands grunted jbr Railroad and Telegraph in O'alg)"ornia Oregon. An act granting lanes to aid in the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from the Central Pac: o Baalroad, in California,_to Portland, in Oregon. July 25, 1866, eh. 242 .. .. . 239 Oourts in An act to change the place of holding court in the Northern District of Georgia. July 25, 1866, ch. 243 . . . ... · . .. 242 Gmail0A. Sutra. An act granting to A. Sutro the right of way, and tglranting other privy Iegcs to aid in the construction of a draining and exploring tunnel to e Comstock lo e, in the State of Nevada. July 25, 1866, ch. 244 ... . 242 Electionsfzr Senators. An act to regulate the times and manner of holding elections for senators in Congres . July 25, 1866, ch. 245. . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . 243 Bridges. An act to authorize the construction of certain bridges, and to establish them as postroads. July 25, 1866, eh. 246 .. _ ... 2 44 Lot Number Nine. An act to authorize W. J. Sibley and others, trustees, to sell and convey lot number nine, in square number seventy-six, in the city of Washington. July 25, 1866, 6 ch. 247 . . _ ... . . . . 24 Iowa. An act providing for the appointment of a commission to examine and report upon certain claims o the State of Iowa. July 25, 1866, ch. 248 .. 247 Scldiers’ and Sailors' Ilonw. An act to incorporate “The National Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphan Home." July 25, 1866, ch. 249 ... . . . . . . ... 247 Alexandria and Wd.9]LiH%h Railroad. An act to amend "An act to extend the charter of the Alexandria and ashinglton Railroad," passed Merch third, eighteen hundred and sixty- three. July 25, 1866, c .250 . 248 Baltimore and Ohio Milmwd Company. An act to authorize the extension, construction, and use, by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company of a railroad from between Knoxville and the Monocacy Junction into and within the District of Columbia. July 25, 1866, ch. 251. 250 Pm Tgumsend made Pa: of Entry, Q-::. An act to change the port of entry in Puget’s Sound. uly 25, 1866, c .252 250 East Cgfvftol Street and Lincoln Sguare. An act to grade East Capitol Street and establish Lincoln quarc. July 25, 1866, c . 253 251 Governgwpt lgater Pang:. An wot in relation to the unlawful tapping of government water pipes. u y 2 , 1866, c .254 . 251 Calais.'] pnzasct to autthorize the entry and clearance of vessels at the port of Calais, Maine. uy ,166,c.255.. ... _ ... 251 Rayhtq Wu over Public Lands. An act granting the right of wa to ditch and canal owners { . y over t c public lands, and for other purposes. July 26, 1866, ch. 262 . . ... 251 The Chesapeake Bay, §·c. Company. An act to authorize “The Chesapeake Bay and Potomac River Tidewater Canal Company " to enter the District of Columbia, and extend their cansés? the Anacostia River at any point above Benning’s bridge. July 26, 1866, c . . 253 Oertifrbates of Registry, Qc. An act authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to issue certificates of registry, or enrolment and license, to certain vessels. July 26, 1866, ch. 264- . 255 Bonds of the United States. An act to authorize the issue of certain bonds in denominations greater than one thousand dollars. July 26, 1866, ch. 265. . . . 255 Indian Appropriation. An act making apipropriations for the current and eontin nt expenses of the Indian departxnent, and for fu lling trcagogipuletions with various igdian tribes for tho year ending tlnrtleth June, eighteen hun and sixty-seven, and for other purposes. July 26, 1866, ch. 266 . ... 255 Post·Roada. An act to establish certain post-roads. July 26, 1866, ch. 267 ... 280 Clerks of Courts in `Washington Territory. An act in relation to the appointment of clerks to the courts of W88h1Dgt0H Territory. July 26, 1866, ch. 268 . . ... . .. . 288