Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/865

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INDEX. 835 Bankruptcy, (continued.) Bankruptcy, (continued.) assignees, one or more, to be chosen at effect of recording assignment . . 524 first meeting of creditors . 522 to relate back and how to operate. . . 522 choice to be by greater part in num- to dissolve any attachment on mesne ber and value of creditors who process made. within four months, have proved debts .. 522 &c.. .. . 522 certain not to vote for, or be eligible what property of debtor exempt from as ... . . 525 assignment . 522, 523 judge or register to appoint in case exemption, how to operate . 523 of no choice ... 522 certain mortgages of personal propto signify acceptance in writing with· erty not to be invalidated thereby. 523 in live days 522 what property and rights to be ve ted in otherwise, judge or register to the assignee by the adjudication in fill vacancy ... . 522 bankruptcy and the appointment of to give bond, when required 522 assignee . . . 523 how to be approved and bow property held in trust not to pass.. . 523 conditioned 522 what to be evidence of assignee’s failing to give bond, assignee to be title to property . 523 removed and another appointed in suits by and against nssignees ... 523, 524 his place .. 522 not to be ubatcd by death or removal all elections and appointments sub- from office .. 523, 524 ject to approval of judge. . ... 522 not to be maintained against assignee, additional may be appointed ... 522 without previous notice .. 523 notice of nppointinent to be given notice to state what, and why and how ... 524 given . 523 may redeem or discharge mortgage certified copy of assignment to be on conditional contract ... 523, 524 conclusive evidence of authority to demand and receive all the estate to bring suit ... 524, assigned ... 524 to sell all uueneumbcred estate . 524 mmzrs nw rnoon or cmuus. court may, on petition, make orders as to sale ... 524 debts and demands provablc against the to keep accounts of money received. 524 estate . 525 creditors to have free resort liabilities as drawer, indorser, &c ..,. 525, 526 thereto 524 _ contingent debts and liabilities . 526 to have same power as debtor to re- liabilities as bail, surety, guarantor, &c. . 526 cover, &c . . . 524 where the whole debt has been paid. 526 may prosecute pending suits ... 524 where part is paid, &c . 526 provision as to suits pending. 524 liabilities to pay rent, or other debts, {lillto deposit moneys received and in ing due at stated periods . 526 what manner .. . 524 for unliquidated damages in contracts to keep effects of the estate separate. 524 or torts . .. 526 to make temporary investments by no other debts than those specified, provorder of court .. 524 able ... 526 to make deposits to benr interest, by mutual debts and credits .. 526 approval of judge or register . 524 account to bestated and balance only to give notice of meetings .. 524 proved 526 and written notice of dividends. 524 set-off not to be allowed of claims may retain, out ol' moneys in his purchased after tiling the petition. 526 hands, necessary disbursements persons having liens or securities, to and reasonable compensation 525 prove balance only .. 526 may submit controversies to arbitra- if value of security exceeds the debt, tion .., 525 what course to be taken .. 526 may settle controversies .. ‘ . 525 no part of debt to be proved, unless semay be removed by the court .. 525 curity is sold, or released, &c . 526 or by creditors with the assent creditors proving debts to be held to have of the court 525 waived all rights ol' action, &c. ... 526 may resign and be discharged from proceedings already_commenccd, to trust by consent of court . 525 be deemed to be discharged .. 526 vacancies in office of, how filled 525 creditors whose debts are provable, not to resignation, &c. of, not to release prosecute suits tolinal judgment, until, from duty of closing up trust 525 &c . 526, 527 no liability of surety, &c. on his suits to be stayed, &c ... . . . 527 bond .. 525 if bankrupt is liable in distinct contracts, if number is reduced, estate to vest what course to be taken . 527 in those remaining .. 525 proof of debts of resident creditors . 527 may be punished tbr contempt, in _ of non-residents. .. 527 refusing to obey lawful order of claims to be verified by a. deposition ID court .. 525 writing and on oath or allirmatron. 527 court may make orders ..., 525 oath by and before whom .. 527 assignment, how made and what to con- deposition to state what ...,... 527 vey .. . 522 no claim to be allowed- unless all stateto be recorded in certain registries of ments in the deposmon appear to be deeds . 524 true ... 527