Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/869

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INDEX. 839 Barrels, Beer, Benham’s Island, fractional parts of. . . . .. 164, 475 may be taken for use of armory, &e. at Barrels, yo. Sec Internal Revenue. Rock Island ... 76 containing, or supposed to contain, dis- Benicia, Ca/{Yrrnia, tilled spirits, may be seized by, &c. title of the United States to land in, when, &u. and be detained ... 482 granted to, in trust . . 209 persons drawing articles subject to tax, Berkeley Counh, West Wrginia, from those marked, to effnce the tax. .. 482 consent ol`] Congress ro transfer of, from enalty for not doing so ... 482 Virginia to West Virginia ... 350 barrels, Svc. maybeforfeited 482 provision as to jurisdiction of court of Barron, Francis, claims extended to ., 360 pension to . .. 628 provision as to the United States direct Barton, Miss Clara, tux in . ..,. 568 appropriation to reimburse for amount Berry], Almira lll., expended in searching for missing sol- pension to ... 591 diers of the army of the*United States 350 Biennial Register, printing for, to be done by public printers 350 com nilation and supervision of . . 324 Battalion of Engineers, Billiard ifcoms and Bow/ing Alleys, Pmprietors tj provisions concerning ... . . 335 delinitiou of, and special tux on . 120 pay and allowances of quartormaster ser· Billiard Yhbles, gt-ant of ... 393 annual tax on 135 Bawdin, James, Bills of Lad[ng, Domestic and Inland, patent to issue to heirs of, for land nt tux on .. 145 Eagle Harbor, Lake Superior 578 stump duty on, not to apply to vessels botitle of the United States only relin- tween United States and British North quishccl . . .. 578 America .. 475 Beach, Jonatlzan W., Binding, Public, pension to ... 598 appropriations for .. 41, 193, 443 Beacons and Buoys, Bishop, James Ill., appropriation for expenses ef. . .312, 313, 458, payment to, for services as assistant asses- 459 sor ..., 684 Beale, Elias, Blac/wet Indians, account of, for services and allowances as purchase of annuity goods for, in lieu of a cn tain, to be audited and paid .. 636 those destroyed by tire .. . 208 Beals and Bixcn, appropriations for the ., 208, 273, 508 accounts of, to be adjusted and paid, if treaty with, of October 19, 1865 727 they have legal claim for ineronse of authority und jurisdiction of the United contract price .. 607 States acknowledged 727 Beatty, Samuel M., persons and property of other tribes not payment to, for pay and allowances as a to be first attacked .. 727 chaplain . . . 685 controversies to he submitted to the arbit- Beaufwt, mment of the President . 727 collection district of, established . 4ll Indians to withdraw from overland boundaries of . ... . 4ll routes ... . . 728 port of entry of . . . 412 annuities to, for twenty years ... 728 port of entry may be changed ratification, with amendment ... 729 to Mcrclteud City ... 411 Blake, Charles AI., collector, residence, salary, &c . . 411 payment to, as chaplain 609, 612 Beaufort, S. U., Blanchard, Henry P., salar of collector of customs at, estab- payment to, for services as marshal at lisliied ... . . 308 Canton, China . 626 Becker, Ernestine, Blank Books, Blanks, Qc., cnsion to ... 624 how furnished to officers of the customs 309 Beckzr , John R., Blankets, Beddin!/» and Stores, claim of, for loss of property in carrying in surgeon-generals department not needthe mail, to be audited and paid .. 644 ed for government use, may be translimit to amount to be nllowcd. . 645 ferred to National Home for Soldiers' Beer, _ and Sailors’ Orphans '35l provisions of internal revenue law for the Blind, Institutwns fw the, _ production and taxation of . .163 - 167, 475 certain articles manufactured in, not exstumps for, how to be provided . . . . . 165 cmpt from tax .. 475 fractional parts of a barrel, and how ae- Blockadc, counted ... . ... 164, 475, 476 decree of of Matnmoras and other Mexi- See Internal Revenue. can ports declared null and void .. 814 Becta, Board of Examiners, machinery to make sugar from, to be free for site near Portland, Maine, for freshof duty for one year .330, 571 water basin for iron-clad vessels of the Beet Sugar, navy . ... . ... . . . , .. 357 machinery imported for manufacture of', Boats, Barges, and Flats, to be free of duty ... 571 not used for passengers, and not propel- Behringk Straits, led by steam, &c. and used exclusively survey of .. . . ... . 88 for carrying coal, minerals, or agricul- Bmce, Charlotte, tural products to market, to pay an anpension to .. . 577 nual special tax 136