Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/888

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868 INDEX. Commissioners, (continued.) Commutaticm J Rations, ten piofessional and scientific, to the provisions of law as to, to apply to en- Universal Exhibition et Paris, their listed men who. died as prisoners of appointment, psy, &c. ... 363 war, or after their release 423 who not to be .. . . 363 to whom to be paid .. . 423 twenty additional authorized ... Compensation, Additional. See Additional Oomupon claims of loyal persons for services pensation. _ _ _ of colored volunteers or drafted men to to employees in the civil service of the be made to Congress 376, 377 government at Washington, whose pay no money to be paid until report is ’ does not exceed $3,500 per annum 569 approved by Congress .. 377 Compound Interest Notes, appropriation for salaries of 412, 413 act to provide for the payment of ... 558 to revise and consolidate the statutes of temporary loan certificates may be issued the United States, appropriations for to redeem _ .. 5 58 expenses of the ., _ ... 455, 456 amount outstanding at any time not Commissioners of Cinruit Courts, to exceed 3 50,000,000 ... 558 of circuit court for duty under civil rights rate of interest ... 558 act .. 28, 29 principal and interest payable in Inwmay appoint persons to execute warrants 28 ful money , 558 warrants to run where . 28 may be held by national banking asfees ot, and how paid, &c ... 29 socintions as part of their reserve. 558 act to extend the jurisdiction of the . 343 two fifths of reserve to be of lawmay exercise the powers of a justice of ful money . 558 the peace . . 343 Comptroller of the Currency, jurisdiction of, in regard to discharge of appropriations for, and for office of the. . 195, debtors from arrest or imprisonment 197, 324, 445, 446 under process from courts of the United Comptrouers of the Treasury, States . 543 appropriations for the omces of. . 194, 196, 444, Commissioners of Quarantine, 446 certain hnlks and vessels of the United Computation of Iime, States to be placed at the disposal of rule for, under the bankruptcy act. . .540, 541 the em Gmn-mk Lode, (Nevada.) Commissioners of the United States, construction of n mining, draining, and appropriations for . .. . . 224 ex loring tunnel to .. 242, 243 Commissioners to revise Statutes, Concert Piizlls, Proprietors if appropriations for . 315 definition of', and special tax on . 120 Commissions, Conditional Contracts. See Bankruptcy. not to issue to omcers until after exam- provision as to performance of those of ination 336 bankrupt, by assignee in bankruptcy 523, 524 of nssessois and collectors in. certain dis- Confectioners, tricts on certain spirits shipped ... 473 definition of] and special tax on . 118 of assignees in bankruptcy . 531 additional special tax on certain 417 Committee, Joint, Confederated Tribes and Bands of Indians ey` upon the condition of the so—ca1led con- Mddle Oregon. See Middle Oreqons. federute States of America, appropria- supplemental treaty with, of November tion for the expenses of. . . ... . . . . 349 15, 1865 . 751 Committee on Printing, Conjismtion Laws, duties of, in rcference to procuring paper of Cherokee nation repealed, and owners for the [public printing . ... 305, 306 restored to rights 799, 800 Committee on etrenchment, provision as to improvements ... 799, 800 appropriation for expenses of joint .. 564 Congress. See Thanks of Congress. Commodores, gratitude of the nation to the odireis, number of grade ol} in navy established. . 222 soldiers, and seamen of the United increase in grade, how made ... 222 States expressed by .. 354, 355 Common Carriers, act to fix the times for the regular meetcars, engines, &e. not to be forfeited for ings of 318 violation of revenue laws unless owners, additional meeting of Congress provided &.c. were privy thereto .. . 179 for 378 Commutntiom _ members of previous Congress to mveive money paid for, by persons drafted who no compensation as mileage at this edwere not liable to service . 417 ditional session .. 378 Oommutation Fund, Congressional Globe and Appendix, portions of, appropriated to pay awards to appropriations for 191, 192, 193, 441 — 443 loyal persons or services of colored acomplete set to befnrnishcd em-h new volunteers, or drafted men ... 821 senator . 192, 411, 412 loyalty of claimant to be shown .,.. 321 senators having parts of sets to have sets no money to be paid until final report of completed .. 192. 41 1, 412 commissioners . . . . _ . . . . . . 321 reporting proceedings in, and additional Commutcuton of O_;7icers’ Subsistence, compensation to reporters. .. 191, 192, 193, provisions as ro, to be continued one 411, 413 uyear . _ ... I . 8 37 notice given to terminate the purchase of o ccrs furnished with quarters not en— sets ... ,412, 418 titled to: . . . . . . . .. . . . .. 337 · notice to publishers of] to terminate existappropriations for 485 ing agreement with them 471