Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/904

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874 INDEX. Examiners, (continued.) Exploration, §·c. (continued. _ _ quulihcmions, outh,du1;ics, and pay . 308 route ox: mums of the Pacific Rml— not to be cngagml in mercantile business 303 road included _ . ._ .. _. . 457 Exc/umge of Pub/iu Documents, to donc out of cxisting appropriaresolution to provide for the 573 _ t10us._._ 457 lilly copies of ull documents and publicw E:‘ploringE.z·)1edslaor¤s, _ _ tions by any dupurtment to be placed of t 8 government, npproprmhcn for preut tho disposal of the joint committee servauon of collections of .. I9,316, 464 on tho libmry .. 573 Exploswn at tfee United blales Arsenal_ _ to be oxclmngcd, through tho Smith- at Washington, D. C., nppropnatiou to soniem Institution, for such works help the suffcrcrs by the . 351 published in foreign countries 573 by whom m be distributed . 35l such works to be depositcd in Exporlahon, the library oi' Congress. . 573 of certain bonded goods, provisions con- Execulion, cerning . 1 .. 8 ccrmin propcrty of householders, &c. cx- of articles under the internal revenue law, ompc from, in tho District of Colum- provisions concerning ... 153 blu. ... . 389, 390 officcr appoinwd to supcrimend . 153 oxccption 390 compensation of .. 153 rulcs ns to stay of] in tho District of Co- at ports whore there is no superintendent, lumbiu, on judgments of justices of the duties to be performed by collector of pence .. 402 internal rcvcnuc . 161, 162 of judgments of tho Supreme Court of Export Duties, the district not to be stayed, &c. except, under trcaty with Japan . .. . . . . 655 &c. ... 403 Exports, Executive, act to provide for, and regulate the weighappropriations for the expenses of the. . 324, ing of . 289 440, 444, 456, 463, 469 appropriation for salaries, &c. of super- Execulive Buildings, intendents ot} under internal revenue appropriations for the. . 194, 197, 200, 201, 444, act . 205, 445 446, 450, 451 Express Carriers and Agmls, Executive Ikparlmonts. Soc Public Documents. definition of. and special tax on . 121 rcgulmions as to printing tho reports of only one tax from n. firm and from the the 305 principal only .. 121 Ezvculivc Illanszbn, Extra Pay, appropriations for repairs and furnishing 373, tobzoldiers cmploycd us artificcrs or la- 469 ters in constant labor of not less than no further pnyments to be mndc for ten duys ... 93 repairs and fhrnishing, until ac- to non-commissioned officers nczing as counts nrc approved by joint com- ovcrscers .. 93 mittoc of Congress. . . . . . . . . . 469 not to be given to troops of cnginocr and Exemption, ordnance departments ... 93 ccmiin property of n hcad of a. family or householder, exempt from levy, snlc, atruchrncnt or distmint in District of F- Columbiu ,... . .. 389, 390 Falsely Personaling, exemption not good against certain u. revenue otliooz-, and assuming to act as _ claims ... 390 such, how punished. ... . 484 Ezernplzozzs, Fa,-[8, John, property cxcmpt fiom distmint and sale pension to orphan children of .. 627 for taxes . . . 108 Farley, Joel, articles und products exempt from taxa- pension to ... 595 tion ... 147 -150 Farragut, Vice-Admiral David G., crude petroleum, crude oil, paruflino oil. 355 thanks of Congress zo, and tho officcrs certain additional articles and products senmcn,and others umlorhis command, exomptcd from intcrnol tax ... 476,477 for gallantry and oood conduct in Mo; confined to articles in what condition 477 bilo Buy. . T .. 349 from operations of assignments under President and Socmtary of the Navy to bankruptcy not .. 522, 523 oommunicuto this xesolmion ., 349 to operate as a limitation upon tho Farmn, Mm-gum A., convcyimoo . 523 pension to ... 594 _ _ Q bec Bankruptcy. Huy, Caleb YI, E1—Mwswn qf».an Jou, _ _ accounts of, to be audited and settled 612 lands of} not I:0 be included m grant to Fees, Wostom Pacific Railroad 356 of claim and pension agents ... . 57 Expenéres, _ _ _ of certain oonsnls and commercial agents o negotiating treaty smh the Poncas, to and their deputies to be accounted _bo borne by the Indians. . . . . . 676 for ... . .. 2**6

aéggrgcnér 202 45 exce? of] svlor 3 2500 nbovc onice-mnt

. . . . . . , 2 an c er' ‘ * - - Ezplomtion, Ggological and Tbpqcgphkal, of Treasuryflzc. 226 of gg; gtclgitfryhgcggcgn tb}? dcky Mmm- of agents or uttornoys for collecting claims _ d o ru. ova u, author- o colored soldiers, &c. for bounties, me . . . . . . . 457 pay, and allowances . 368