Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/915

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INDEX. 885 Indian Department, (continued.) Indian Tribes, (continued.) Indians to be expended only according rescue of prisoners from, and retuning to law and treaty stipulations 280 them to their homes . 515 payment for supplies for destitute Indians arrest of persons charged with crimes of the southern superintendency .. 280 against the 515 for removal to homes . 280 India-Rubber Boots and Shoes, full examination to be made before tax u n 474 money is expended . 280 Indorssd gm loyal citizens of good moral character to be returned to writers free ... 60 may trade with Indian tribes, upon Industrial Exposition; giving bond, Ku: 280 at Paris, Franco, joint resolutions in relaconditions of bond 280 tion to the ... . . .326, 847 existing laws and regulations to ap- acts of Secretary of State approved. . 347 ply to such traders .. 280 Secretary of State to make general regurescue of prisoners from Indians, and ar- lations 848 rest of persons charged with crimes general agent at New York . 347, 362, 363 against ndians. . . . 515 may appoint clerks, their pay. ..347, 348 no money or annuity to be paid to any commissioners ... 363 Indian tribe engaged in hostilities who not to be 363 against the United States, &c. since, &c. 515 people of the United States invited to nor until new appropriations are take part in ... 363 made . 515 appropriations for . 862, 363 hostilities by any tribe to be reported to In/‘ant1;y, Congress .. 515 number of regiments ot] in the army. and Indian bureau to report each session, to how organized .. 382 Congress, tabular statement of scpa- four regiments to be the veteran reserve rate objects of expenditure . . 515 corps. . .. . . . ... S32 appointment of Indian submgents .. 515 four rc iments of colored soldiers .. 332 appropriation for Miamies, to whom to be originaii vacancies in grades of officers, pai .. 515 how filled . . 832 Indianola, veteran reserve corps, how officcred 332 to be port of entry for district of Saluria, each regiment to have what officers and Texas, instead of La. Salle .. 308 men .. 333 Indian Regiment, Infyrmers, - payment ofbounty to certain, provided for 360 of violations of provisions of the internal Indian Reservations, revenue law, one half of line, &c. for appropriations for survey of. . . . 318 extortion or oppression by certain reve- Indians and Indian Tribes. See Indian Tribes. nue officers to go to . 101 subsistence, clothing, &c. for destitute, for excrcisin trade, &e. without within the southern supcrintendency. . 347 payment otg special tax . l13 Indian Scouts, for violating law as to sales, Cnc. 134 may be enlisted and employed in the Ter- amount to be paid to, when there has ritories and Indiun country . . . 883 been a judgment ... . . . . 145 to have pay and allowances of cavalry when payment is made without suit soldiers. . .. 3`33 or before judgment . l46 [ndkm Sub—AgenLs, no right accrues to, until, &c. . . . . . . 146 appointment of those whose salaries are when a witness in civil actions for a penover $1,000 a year .. . .. . . . . . . 515 nlty the other party may be a witness Indian Territory, also . . . 146 postroads established in . . . 288 appropriation to pay certain, their share Indian Iribec, of certain fines, penalties, and forfeitprovisions as to trust funds of ... 279, 280 ures .. . ... 208 any loyal citizen of good moral character of breaches of customs laws, one fourth may trade with, upon giving bonds. . . 280 of fines, penalties, and forfeitures under conditions of bond 280 seizures to go to. .` .. 546 existing laws and regulations appli- when officer of revenue cutter is incable to such traders 280 former, one half of proceeds to go appropriation for negotiation of treaties to officcrs of the cutter, to be diwit certain, of the Upper Missouri and vided among them according to Upper Platte rivers . . . . . . . . . 358 their puy. . . . ... 546, 547 how to be expended . . . 858 Inland Sea, _ no money or annuity to be paid to any in opening of port in, by Japan, may be achostility ngainst the United States, &c., oepted in lieu of payment of money. . . 665 since,&c . . . 515 Insane Asylum nor until new appropriations are in the District of Columbia, who may be made . 515 admitted to. . . . . .. . . .. 93, 94 report to Congress of cases of hostilities 515 Insane, Government Hospital;?::- the, Attorney-General to report upon condi- appropriations for the . . .20, 316, 464 tion of funds held by the United States finishing, &c. each wing, &c ... 464 in trust for 497 salary of superintendent, established 464 to report what stocks are not paying, Inspectz'an._ _ Sec ntemal Revenue. the security and remedy o the of uspirits, Secretary of Treasury may United States .. 497 opt rules, &c. to insure correct and interest on non-paying stock held for. . . . 514 uni orm system of. . . . . . . . . . . .. . 481