Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/934

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904 INDEX. Lcddy, Hugh, _ Executive, and Judicial Expenses, plpyment t0, for liquors wrongly seized. . 638 (continued.) _ _ Lec, illiam G., payment of Judgments of court of claims payment to, in full for claim ... 599 E in 1`ayor of claimants. . . . 4:; Legacies xecutwe, secretaries, stewar , c.. . , to minor children, unless over $ 1,000, to State Department . _ 1 94,444 be exempt from tax . . . 140 incidental and contingent expenses. . 13:; if cr 3 1,000, excess onl to e tiigted .. .. 1 40 pamphlet laws and in newspapers, 194, 444 when tax on, is due. ,. 140 publishing laws of the thirty-seventh Legal Documents, and thirty-eighth Con gres»e< in tno exempted from stamp duty . 475 newspapers in each of the lntcl y in- Legzlslative Assemblies, s¤rgent_States. . Z ... 194 of Territories, not to grunt private char- pmofiregtdmg, pecking, &c. 194, 444 ters or speciul privileges ... ntl . 426 stationery, printing, books, mnps, &c. l may pass general incorporation acts, · _ lowing ussociations for mining, menu- extra clerk h1re._ . .. ._ .. 194, 444 fueturing and other industrial pursuits 426 northeast executive building. 194, 444 Legislative, Executive, and Judicwl Expenses, Treasury Department . 194, 444 appropriations for, for years ending June secretary and assistants, &c . 194, l 30, 1867 and 1868 ... 191, 208 4 — psy und mileage of Senators. . .. 191, 440 c0niptr0llers' ofliees. . 194, 196, 444 -446 pay of officers, &c. of Senate 191, 440 auditors' oiilcées .. 19gh444; 442 continveucies of Senate 191, 441 treasurcr’s 0 ce .. , 44 , 44 Congressional Globe . .. 191, 192, 441 registers office ... 195,,196, 445, 446 reporting proceedings in Daily Globe 191, 441 solicitor'? office ... 195, 196, 445,446 additional compensation to report- commissioner of customs' office 195,126é ers 191 441 445, -1 one set of Globe und Appendix to each, lighthouse boprd . tgp, 19,7, 442,:.43 new Senator ... . 192,441 comptro ero currency , 1 7, 44. , those having part of set, to receive paper, special dies, and printing of cnonnh to complete it 192 441 circulating notes . ... 195 445 clerks to cormmittees, pages, horses, &·o.. ,192, rent, dies, paper, stamps, Src i 445 441 commissioner of internal revenue. . . 195 capitol police . 192, 441, 442 subscription to copies of internal reveheuting und vcntilating .. _. . 192, 441 une record and customs journal. 195, miscellaneous . 199 441 445 pay and mileage of representatives and, salaries and expenses of collectors, delegates ... . . . . 192, 441 assessors, revenue agepts, inspecpay of officers and clerks ... 192 441 tors, superintendents o export nnd contingent expenses of the House. .. 192,,193, drawback, and expenses of work- 442 ing the internal revenue act . . 445 clerks to committees and temporary no collector or! assesspr entitled to clerks . . . 193, 442 any part of sa sry un ess contirmsd Congressional Globe and Appendix. .193, 442 by Senate, except, &c. ... 445 sets to new representatives and delc- tempopary clerks and ndditionnl pay gates. . 442 to c erks ... 195 195, 446 notice to terminate the purchase of may be classified ...,. I. . . . 196 sets . . 442, 443 uucxpended balance of approprim folding documents and materials 193, 443 tion for temporary clerks and sdfuel, lights, pay of engineers, &c. 193,443 ditional compensation to clerks to furniture, repairs, packing-boxes 193, 448 be how divxded . 196 horses, carriages, and saddlc—horses. . 193, 443 if balance is insumcicnt, deficilaborers und miscellaneous . 193, 443 ency how supplied .. 196 newspapers, pages, mail boys ... 193, 443 stationery for several bureaus, .. 197, 446 reporting in laily Globe ... 193,443 southeast executive building, includadditional pay to reporters . 193, 443 ing Fhe extension ... 197, 446 stationery ... . 193 443 rent 0 building for clerks .. 446 public fpriuting, superintendent, &e. . . 193; 443 bureau of statistics, contingent expenses. . 446 pappr ter public printing ... 193,443 In statigics of mines and mining ., 446 u ic inding . . .. 193 443 terior cpurtmeut .. 197, 447 iithogruphing, engraving, and mapping, secretary’s office . . 197, 447 193 443 general and oiliee .,... 197 447 statutes at large, volume thirteenth. . . ...,193 additional clerks .. , 447 library of Congress, pay of officers, and may be used for piece work 447 purchase of books ... 193,443 work to be given only to persons in botanie garden phd grepnhouses . 193,443 indigeint circfumsfnnces, to soldiers superinten ent an assistants. .. 193 448 or wi ows o so diers ... 447 files of lending American newspapers. . .,194 to be done by the employee in perof leading periodicals and newspgpers 443 son ... . . . . 447 court of claims, judges, solicitors, .. . . 194, eommfissioner of Indian aiiuirs. . 197, 447 444 0 pensions . . ..,.. 198, 199, :47 contingent and miscellaneous. .. 194, 444 packing and distributing journals attorneys to take testimony . 194, 444 and documents .. -197, 417