Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/959

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IN DEX. 929 Pensions, (continued.) Pemnbns, icontinucd.) repeal ·ot§ and substitute for previous pro- repoa irglclpulse not to work forfeiture of visions .. ... ... 56 oceru rr:::. . 230 of persons losing both eyes or both hands 56 widows hnvdag claim for pension pending losing bonh feet, or hand and foot. . . 56 at date of remarriuge 23l those totally and permanently dis- to colored soldiers, provisions respectnhled . 56 in 357, 358 367, 368 those disabled so as to be unerly 8 See Colored Soldiers. ' helpless ... 56 acc to provide for cho pnymenc of ... 391 so as to be unable to erform agencies for payment ot, may be estabmznnual labor equivalent to lished . 891 loss of hand or fool . 56 llmin of number of, in any Scum or all pledges, sales, transfers, &»e. oi] or of Territory. . . . . . . ... 391 any imeres: therein, void ... ; 56 appointments, term of office and bond of oath of attorney to receive money or pen- Jension agents . 391 sion ...· . .. 56 0 cial term of present agents ... 391 thiso swearing to be perjury 57 appropriation for the payment of . . . . 398 presenting any power of attorney at any for ofllce of commissioner of 447 pension agonciyd bearing dutor spbse- 7 of widowsupf Revolutionary soldiers to be 568 ue-nt to actual uno, how unis ion 5 increos .. molney due of go become due any pen- P _ iucrczwe to dare from Sep:. 30, 1865 566 sioner, not; Ia e to anne iment ... 57 ensums to fees of eluim and pension agents, in pen- gclcudi, Saggadoril minor children of 598 sion matters ... 57 orron, or ia ... . . . . . 643 repeal of law forbidding invalid pension- Allen, Sully .. 631 ers to draw pensions while receiving Andrews, Sally .. 587 full sulnry . 57 Appleton, Charles 623 when heirs of persons entitled to invalid, gakeinaui, Daniel Frederick 621 me receive t cm ... 57 urron, ‘rancis.. ... ... .. 628 of odilcers dying afncr date of commission, Beach, Jonathan W. ,. 598 bur before being- mustered 57 Becker, Ernesuine 624 no; of thosoavilfully neglecting or re· Igence, glnnplotp usinv to o inusnore ... 67 err , m ra . . .. . ... . absentees onbsick leave, &c. to be regarded Eoudlieik Ma;garet. ... 226 ns if in field or hospital . . 57 rent, uno J. ... . . . 93 period of service to extend to what Bush, George W . 597 time . . 57 Buxton, Marion M 605 enlisted men, however employed, no be Cannon, Olivia W . . .. 622 created as non-commissioned oilieers or Carter, John . 623 privates ... 57 Champion, David B. . . 630 when not allowed to widows abandoning Clement, Jane ... 6I9 their children, or when unsuitable to Cole, Daniel . 642 have easmdy of them . ... 58 Colgen, Francis .. 605 children to receive the pensions 5S Cook, Amarillo . . .. . . 592 to be paid their guardians .. 53 Crocker, Harrier. B . ... 592 when orphan brother or sister may re- 58 gross, Maw 6\ . ... eeive ension .. roswell, i iam proviuioil of former ner. not. modified 58 Croarley, Cornelius ... 593 no person to receive more than one at u. Gurus, Ira B .. . .. . . . , 592 mno . ... 58, 280 Daniel, Levisn ... 628 if claim for pension is not tiled in three Dexter, Mary J . . 632 gears, pension to commence from what 58 gaemoh, Lézwls VY . . ..,...,... 563 me .. owmn , amue 6 widows, &e. of colored soldiers, Sec. may Duchmdli, Ann I. ..., 628 reecivo pensions, &e. upon what proof Elder, Christina .. 587 of inarriago 58 Faris, John, orphan children of . 627 act. increasing pensions of widows and Farley, Joel . . 595 orphans ... 230 Fnrrun, Margaret A. ... . . . 594 provisions of pension lows extended be Fisher, Peter .. .. . 627 provost mm·shals` and their deputies, Fitzgibbon, Sarah .,.. 579 and to enrolling officers . 230 Fitzpatrick, Mary 629 how to be ranked . 230 Fletcher, Elizabeth ... 620 pensions of widows of soldiers and sailors Fogg, Isabella 681, 630 increased $2 n momh for caeli child Fowler, Mary_B..' ... . 629 under sixteen years . 230 Franklin, Benjamin . . . 592 if theredis more than one child and 230 gryo, Bgburyé . no wi ow, c. .. as on, n a . . vrorlisions of eermin former%ucts extend- 230 gives, Luelrndu ... :9; e no ensioners, except., L e. . asgow, lm_mas 2 if, during;) application forllnvalid pension, Gleason, Wxllmm .. . . . . . .. 63} and afrcreomplerion of proof, applicant Gordon, Ezra. B. . 624 dies, who to receive accrued pension.. 230 Gordon, John 596 in all eases, accrued pensions to be paid Gould, Adeline M. 628 to executors, &c . , . . 230 Goulcr, Emeranee. . . . . . . . . 584, 594 v01.. xiv. 59