Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/967

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INDEX. 937 Public Buildings, _ Public Works, (continued.) appropriations for office of commissioner re-examinations, &c. to be made with suitof . l97, 198, 447 able surveys and plans muy be ehnnged 71, salary of commissioner of, established. . . 206 418 approprimion for preservation and repairs other harbors and places to ho examined, of . 17, 310, 325, 873, 874 to determine the improvements required Public Buildings and Grounds, and the cost .. 71, 74, 418 in Washington, D. C., appropriations for report to Congress .,.. 418 the. ...17 -19, 205, 310, 314, 315, 325, 373, balance of existing eppro arintions may be 374, 462, 464, 469 a plied to continue, such works, Public Debt, wgren, &c. . 419 not to he increased by disposal of bonds up roprietions for improving certnin harreeeived in exchange for treasury notes, hors, bays, rivers, and 11nts.. . . 71 — 74, 419, or others named 32 420, 421 Public Documenls, navigation of the St. Croix river, un not further to regulate the printing of 305 Maine, above the ledge .. 420 twenty-five hundred copies of annual re» province of New Brunswick to conports of executive departments and doo- tribute ond pny it like sum ... 420 uments, to be printed for use oi' deptn·t— but never more than hnlfthe sum ments. . . . . . . . . 305 eetuully expended thereibr. . . 420 documents not to execed three hun- navigation on the Mississippi river at dred pages . 805 Des Moines, or the Lower Rapids 420 additional copies of papers relating to for- any canal consti-n¤·ted around eign uifiirs accompanying the annual such rnpids to be free of tolls 420 message of the President ... . 305 for dredges and snug-bouts on certain how distributed .. 305 Western rivers. . . 71, 421 in report of Secretary of Navy, detailed Secretary of Navy to transfer to statement 0i' otlers for supplies, Sto. to Secretary of War necessary be omitted . 305 steomers .. 71 e schedule, embracing the offers by for removing snags and boulders in classes, to be submitted in lieu the Minnesota river . . ... 421 thereof .,.. 305 for brcnkwaters 71 — 78 resolution to provide for the exchange to he so applied as to complete the of 573 works . . . . 78 See Exc/utnye of Public Documents. to be ut disposal of the Secretary of Public Gardener, War until the works are completed 74 appropriations for ... .. 205 may be applied for other purposes Public Grounds. See Public Buildings and t nn examinations, &c. hy contract 73 Grounds. former appropriation for hnrhor nt Michiupproprietions for . 17, 205, 310, 878, 462 gen City, ow to be expended ... 421 Public .mzeL·¤. See Lands, Pub/ic. double the amount mutt lmve been appropriations for expenses of surveying, flrst expended by the Michigan in certain States and Territories. . 818, 465 City Harbor Company . . 421 Public Printing, vessels not to be subject to toll . 421 deticiency appropriation for .41, 373 appropriations to be under the control of for paper for . 373 the Secretary of Wnr, und snlriect to office of superintendent of', abolished. . . . 399 his disposal .. . . 422 appropriations for . 193, 443 to be so applied ns to complete. or Public Revenue, approximuto the completion oi, the appropriations for contingent expenses works . 421 in collection, &e. and disbursement of may be applied for other purposes the . . . 203, 453, 454 then for examinations and surveys Public Sreurities. See Penalty. by contract . . . 421 uct to punish certain crimes in relation to how to e expended when the work cnnthe . , .. 883, 384 not be the subject of contract 421 Public Stores, contracts not to be mode, until after adtime of withdrawal of certain goods from, vertisement, &c.. . . . .. 7:1, 421 for consnmptinmexrended ... 8 to he made with lowest responsible provisions ns to such withdrawal. .. 8 bidder ... I 421 proceeds of goods sold nfter remaining separate proposals and contracts for ouch three years in, less expenses, to be paid work and earh clnas of works 73, 74, 421, 422 to owners, &e. .. . . . . 330 disbursing officers, except army otllcers, Public Vessel, to give bond, &e.. . . .. , . . . 74, 422 for transportation of supplies of food and army officers to receive no commisclothing to the people of the Southern sions on disbursements ... .74, 422 States 567 examinations, or surveys, or both, to be Pubic}: Works, made ut various points . . . . . . 422 appropriations for the repair, preservation, to be continued at certain other points 422 end construction of eermin, heretofore plans and estimates for improving the commenced . 70, 418-422 harbor of Galveston, Texas . 422 exominntions and surveys 71 , 74, 4t8 for erecting abreakwater nt that point 422 on Atlantic and Pneitic oeests .. 418 report to Congress of results of exnminanorthwestern lakes 418 tions and surveys, and estimate of costs 73, western and northwestern rivers 418 421