Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/975

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INDEX. _ 945 Sea-coast Dcjénces, Secretary of Slate, (continued.) purchase of sites for .. 62 appropriations for oillee of ... 19, 444 title to, to be approved. . . 62 removal and fitting of office of .. 326 appropriation to purchase sites for per- to send copies of section twenty-tive of the mnnent ... 488 act to prevent smuggling-the same for temporary 488 being in relation to the manifests of title to be passed by Attornoy·Gen- vessels owned in whole or in nrt by eral ... 488 foreigners—to all consular oiliders of expediency of purchase to be ap- the United States in foreign countries 184 proved y the Secretary of War. . 488 to approve accounts of certain consuls and Smgaing Steam Vessels, consular agents . 226 when under way, except upon the high to make general regulations as to particiscas, to be unter the direction of pilots, ation in the industrial exposition of if subject. to the navigation laws of the garis .. 348 United States ... . .. 412 may renew the contract with Little, Brown, State regulations not adbcted ..., .. . 412 and Company for the annual publicar Seal tion of the Statutes at Large . 852 of court of bankruptcy, counterfeiting of, may hire, &c. suitable buildings for achow punished .. . . . . 539 commodation of department . . 862 Seamen, American, copies of Appendix to diplomatic c0rreappropriations for relief and protection spondence lor 1865, for distribution. . . 570 ot, in ioreipn countries ... 224, 413 to take the stops necessary to obtain from for relic of sick and disabled 21, 810 the United States of Columbia auaeknowledging services in rescue oi, thority for the United States to make from shipwreck .. 224, 413 the necessary surveys of the Isthmus in the merchant service, prohibited from of Darien for ship canal between the wearing sheath-knives ... 804 Atlantic and Pacilic Oceans . 571 persons offering to ship as, to be to rocurc and present to Captain James notified ol' the law .. 804 Smith, master of the British brig appropriation for deficiency in fund for Victoria, a gold clnonometer, for resthe reliufof sick and disabled. . . ... . . . 455 cuing from death the passengers, offi- Searches and Seizures, cern, and crew of the American: brig provisions lor, under the customs revenue E. H. Fitler .. .. 451 laws .. 178 - 188 Secretary of the Interior, Search Warrants, tenure and term of office of 430 how and by whom may be issued to appropriations for the ollire of the. . .197, 447 search premises to detect frauds upon to approve of selections by Wisconsin, of the revenue .. . . 152 public lands given to aid in the con- Sea Stores, struction of a brcakwater, and harbor purchase of, by master, &c. of enrolled and ship canal . ... . 30 and licensed vessel on northern, &e. to cause patents for lands to issue to the frontiers, at any port in the adjacent Amboy, Lansing, and Traverse Bay British provinces, to be reported at Railroad Company . . 79 first port of arrival in the United to reserve from sale lands on the route States . 183 of the Union Pacific railway, eastern duty to be paid on excess . 183 division . · ... 79 Sea Walk, to consent to location, &e. of Union Puappropriatiens for, on islands in Boston cifie Railroad Cem may, from Omaha, har aor . . .. 61 westward, and of éeutral Pacific Rail- Seavcyis Island, road Company, eastward . B0 appropriation to purchase . 35 to withdraw from sale lands, and issue condition of purchase . 95 patents for the State of Michigan for if whole, with improvements, cannot be ship canal 80, 81 houghtfor snm appropriated, the pub- dug of, under grants of land to the liv use of the bridge from the island to MICS of Missouri and Arkansas, in aid he discontinued ... . . 85 of the extension of the Iron Mountain Second Assistant Engineers Railroad . . . . .. . . .88- 85 in the navy, appointment, rank, and pay ma vary, in extending puhlio surveys to el' . 223 devadu, the lines of subdivisions from Second Assistant Secretary of State, rectangular form 86 a pointment and sa ary of ... . . 226 duty of, under grant to Oregon, for mili- Secomii Auditor, tary wagon road .. . . . .. 86, 87 appropriations for, and for olllee of. .195, 196, to Minnesota, for aid of railroads in 445, 446 that State 87-89 Second Comprroller, to certify to Minnesota the lands heretoappropriations for, and for office of'. .194, 196, fore granted to the State for the con- 444, 446 struction of railroads ,. .. 97 Secretaries q/'Legation and Assisiant Secretaries, dut ot, under grant of lands to the Saint appropriations for .. 224, 413 Jioseph and Denver City Railroad Com- Secretmgy of/he Admiral, pany .. 210, 211 appoiatrncnt and pay of ... 228 under act authorizing the construcrank, pav, and allowances of ... . 616 tion of a jail in the District of Secretary q/'Slate, Columbia . .. . . ..281, 232 tenure and term of olhce of . 430 duty oi, under act to establish a. house of v01.. xiv. 60