Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/990

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960 INDEX. Swiss Jas h Tekgraph Companies, (continued,) heirs dit; to have a section of land, includ- al, &c. purposes all telegraph Iincs, at in house and improvements . 690 an apprniscd value ,...,... . .,,.. 222 Syplmx, gloria, to accept this act in writing, before acting title oh to certain land in Virginia, con- under it ... 222 firmcd . . . . 589 Telegraph Deapalchu, by State Department, over Atlantic cable, appropriation for ... 470 T· Telegraph Lanes. See Telegraph Campania:. Tabegaudze Bands, act to aid in the construction oi] and to T appropriations for the . 272, 275, 510 secure to the government the use of. . um wo pay,0f' consul at, established .. . 225 United States may buy, after five years, Taverns, Keepers q/Q at an appraised vnlue 222 definition of, and special tax on . 117, 118 from Springfield, Missouri, to tho Paeitic 293 Tas:. Sec Internal Revenue, Special T axes. land granted to the Atlantic and Pacific penalty for neglect or failure to pay when Railroad Company, to aid in the conduc, to be five per cent and interest , . . 473 struction of 293 rate of interest to be one per cent a tax on gross receipts of . . ., i36 month. 473 Temporary Ckrks, _ no interest for any fraction of a in Treasury Department, appropriation month 473 for 195, 196, 469 on spirits to be collected at no lower rate may be classified . 196, 469 than basis of first proof .. 481 unexpended balunee of former appropria- T axes, tion, how divided ... 196 certain license of wholesale dealers may provision if balance is insufficient. . . 196 bc refunded 301 pay oi in office of Quartermastcr-General 470 assessment or collection oi} by the author- Temporary Loan Certgy’im2ev, ity of the United States or any State, may be issued to redeem compound-inten DOL interfered with by bankruptcy act . 531 est notes . . . 558 duo the United States, and any State to amount outstanding at any time not to have priority in payment of dividends exceed S 50,000,000 . 558 from bankrupt estate 531 rate of interest ... 558 Taxes in the Distric: of Columbia, principal and interest payable in lawful real property may be sold for .. 215 money 558 provisions as to sale and redemption may be held by banks as part of their reof .. . .. 215, 216 serve. ..1. . .. , . . 558 See Levy Cburl. Temporary Reliof Telegram of the destitute population in the District for government, over certain telegraph of Columbia, provision for .,. 353 lines, to have priority of transmission. . 221 how to be expended .. 353 Telegraph Tender, between the Atlantic and Pacific States, flvecent pieces to be legal to the amount appropriations for facilitating commu· of one dollar. .. 47 nication by ,. 22, 455 Tennessee, Telegraph1c Communiovmbn, declared restored to the Union, and enbetwccn the United States and Cuba, the titled to be represented in Congress. . . 364 Bahamas, and other West India Isl- provision as to jurisdiction of court of ands, act to encourage . . . 46 claims extended to .. 370 between the Eastern and Western conti- the insurrection declared to be at an end in 813 nents, resolution to encourage and fucil- public lands to, for an agricultural college 569 itate .. 350 post-routes established in .. 554 Secretary of the Navy to detail a steam Temwries, Governments in the, vessel to assist in making surveys and appropriations for . 203, 204, 454, 455 soundings .. 350 elective franchise not to be denied in any, Telegraph Companies, to any citizen on account of race, color, may maintain and operate lines of tele- or previous condition of servitude . 379 graph ovcr public domain, along post, inconsistent laws repealed .. 379, 380 &»c. roads, and across navigable waters See EZecli“1.·e F June/zz`se, of the United States 221 salaries of the judges of the Supreme lines to be so constructed as not to Courts of (except Montana and Idaho), obstruct navigation or interfere to be S 2,500 .. · . 427 with travel . 221 of Montana and Idaho . 426 may take materials for construction legislative assemblies ot] not to grant spefrom public lands . .. 221 cial charters . .., 426 may pre-empt and use lands for stations, may pass general incorporation acts, &c._ ... 221 allowing nssociutions for nxining, limit to amount, &c. of 221 manufacturing, und other industelegrams for government to have priority trial pursuits ... . ... 426 of transmission . 221 jurisdiction of courts in, over matters of rates to be annually fixed . . 221 bankruptcy .. . . 541 rights and privileges hereby granted not Tetlaw, James, to botrangferrcd 221 payment to. as contractor for building four the United tutes may purchase for post— steam tugboats . 625