Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 14.djvu/992

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962 INDEX. " Ton," Treasury Department, (continued.) a, for the purposes of the internal reve- books ot] how to be kept, to show true nue acts to be 2,000 pounds ., 130 pperations of s certain section of the Tonnage Duty, internal revenue act ... . . 480 certain vessels to psy, of fifty cents per Treasury Extensum, ton, by vruy of penalty. ._ 183 approlprmtions for . . 17, 310 ve::;? 185 beotfegieived in exchange for bonds, &c. 31 when enrolled and licensed, vessels to not over ten millions to be retired in six ps ... z . .. 185 months, and not over four millions a vesseis between the United States and the month afterward .. . . 32 Sandwich or Society Islands not to bonds may be disposed of in the United pay more than once a year .., 328 States or elsewhere . 32 on vessels engaged in commerce to be public debt not to be thereby i¤· levied, &c. only once in any year .. 485 creased 32 rates of', on French vessels enteringports appropriations for expenses ot] and of of the United States declared, and how loans . . . . . .205, 455 long to continue in force . Appx. ii. Treaties, suspended as to Hawaiian vessels. . .Appx. iii. apppopriation to negotiate with certain Drmagc Tax, _ _ dian tribes ... 358 on vessels, &c. to be levied only once a with theIAcpache, Cheyenne, and Armyear .. 485 pahoe n inns . .. ...703, 713 Topogra , Bleckfeet Indians . 722 appprggriation for, for preparing, &c. post- Bois Forte Indians ... 765 route ma s 201 Camsnche and Kiowa Indians . 717 Towing. See Sgeam Tug-Boats. Cherokees . ,. 799 done by certain tug-boats, provision con- Cheyennes and Arrspshocs 703 cerning ... .. .. . 410 Chippewa ... 657 Town Authorities. See Lands, Public. Choctaws and Chickasaw: . 769 may enter certain public lands occupied Creeks , . 785 as town sites, and so not subject to Deluwares ... 793 entry, at minimum price in trust, for Japan . ... 655, 665 the occupants thereo 541, 542 Kiowas . 717 trust. how to be executed ... 541, 542 Lower Brulé Indians . 699 act not to apply to reservations for public Middle Oregons .. 751 purposes through whatever title derived 542 Minncconjon Indians . 595 nor to mines of gold, silver, or copper 542 Morocco . 679 Town Lots, Nez Percé Indians 647 to be leicl off in the Choctaw, &c. country 776 O’Gallsla Indians 747 Trade with Indian Tribes, Omaha Indians . .. 667 T proviipns concerning . 280 gnk-pappah Indians . 739 ranszent aupers, sa e ndisns .,..,.. 687 care, support, and medical treatment of Pongas .. 675 T sixt3· iné1£dDi;t;ict of Columbia. ..18, 462 lgottaxatonpe Indians .,. . 763 ranszz. ee s, . ans res ndians 731 provision for goods in . 328, 329 Seminoles .,..,.. 755 Tmnsportalion, Two Kettles Indians ..,... 723 in bond of certain goods, provisions con- Wper Yanktonais Indians 713 ceming 8 a1l·psl1-pe Indians .. 683 of the army, appropriation for .. . . . . 91 Winnebago Indians ... 671 furnished to disabled soldiers going to Yanktonais Indians . . ... .. 735 get artificial limbs given them by the Trees, Treebomu, Shrubbery, and Planting, government . . .. 342 appropriations for . . , . .462 —464 Travel, Trustees. Seo Bankru t . allowance to army officers for, increased to hold and distiigte estate of bankwhcn, &c ... 93 rupt upon the snperseding of bank- Treasurer qftlae_Uni¢ed States, rupt proceedings, under the direction act to facilitate the settlement of the ac- of comrnittee of creditors, provisions counts of .. . . 41 concerning .. _ ... 5 38, 539 provisions as to drafts, checks, or certain their rights, owers, and dunes . .538, 539 cates, outstanding for three years 41, 42 Trust Funds,/`or Ihdian Tribes, “ outstanding liabilities " account .. 41, 42 appropriations for interest on nompsving to report annually to Secretarg of Treas- stock of ... Z. . . 279 ug condition of accounts o disbnrsing to be applied only according to btw and o cers unchanged for three years 42 treaty stipulations ..,... 280 appropriations for, and for the otnce of 195, Trust Property. See Bankruptcy. nl", 0} the established 196, 445, helpwbli bankrupt, not to pass by assess- 528 Treaswjy_Bmldugqr, bankrupt not discharged from debts crcfumitnrepcarpets, &c ... . .: 461 ated while actin in a fiduciary character 538 continuation of treasury extension .. 461 Tubular Bridge. See gubmeiped Tubular Bridge. Treasury Department, as submerged, may be built and maina.pproprm.tions for 194- 197, 444,445 tained. across the Mississippi river nt for contingent expenses of . . 324, 445, 446 St. Louis. . . ... 408