Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/129

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FORTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 176. 1868. 97 For the Incidental and Oontingmzt Expenses of the Department of C°¤*l¤g°¤l? €X· State. —- For publishing the laws in pamphlet form and in newspapers of the pii§$°i,hl8t laws States and Territories, and in the city of \Vashington,fbrtythousand dollars. and in newspa- For proofreading, and packing the laws and documents for the various Pm' legations and consulates, including boxes and transportation of the same, Proof-reading. three thousand dollars. For stationery, blank books, furniture, fixtures, and repairs, two thou- Stationery, &c. sand five hundred dollars. For miscellaneous items, two thousand five hundred dollars. For copper—platc printing, books, and maps, five thousand dollars. For extra clerk hire and copying, five thousand dollars. For the General Purposes mf the Building occupied by the State De- Buildingoccupamnent. -——— For compensation of four watchinen and two laborers of the gm bY Slim building, four thousand three hundred and twenty dollars. epmmem For contingent expenses of said building, viz. For rent, fuel, lights, repairs. and miscellaneous expenses, twenty-tive thousand dollars. Ykeasury Department. -—— For compensation of the Secretary of the Treasury, two assistant secretaries of the treasury, chief clerk, eleven Treasury D6- clerks of class four, additional to one clerk of class four as disbursing P“},°g,°Q}'Secm_ clerk, twelve clerks of class three, fourteen clerks of class two, two clerks tary, assistants, of class two, (transferred from the third auditor’s office,) fifteen clerks &°·5 of class one, (two of whom were transferred from the third auditor’s ` onice,) one messenger, one assistant messenger, and three laborers, one hundred and one thousand eight hundred dollars. In the construction branch of the treasury: For supervising architect, $“P°"’lSl“8 . . . . architect Ste.; three thousand dollars; assistant supervising architect, two thousand dol- assistant; clerks, lars; for two clerks of class four, three thousand six hundred dollars; for &c. four clerks of class three, six thousand four hundred dollars; for two clerks of class one, two thousand four hundred dollars; and one messenger, seven hundred and twenty dollars; in all, eighteen thousand one hundred and twenty dollars; and the clause in act of March fourteen, Clause cfact eighteen hundred and sixty-four, providing for the officers, clerks, and ‘;f61i6:I;tf;‘l3g· messengers in the construction branch of the Treasury Department, is may July 3, hereby continued in force until July one, eighteen hundred and sixtymine, 13G? 27 and no longer. °' xm' p' ' For first comptroller of the treasury, chief clerk, six clerks of class Pay of ist four, eight clerks of class three, seven clerks of class two, (three of them °°mp“°u°r’&°'; transferred from third auditor’s office,) two clerks of class one, one messenger, and two laborers, in all, forty-three thousand seven hundred and forty dollars. For second comptroller of the treasury, chief clerk, twelve clerks of if 2d8?<>¥{¤P· class four, twenty clerks of class three, twenty-eight clerks of class two, tm an °" (one of them transferred from the third auditor’s office,) twenty-one clerks of class one, twelve copyists, one messenger, one assistant messenger, and two laborers, in all, one hundred and thirty~seven thousand dollars. For commissioner of customs, chief clerk, two clerks of class four, six _¤¥` ¢¤>m¤¤i$· clerks of class three, nine clerks of class two, seven clerks of class one, °f °°S` one messenger, and one laborer, in all, forty thousand nine hundred and twenty dollars. _ For first auditor of the treasury, chief clerk, three clerks of class four, & lst *‘“d**°’» eight clerks of class three, six clerks of class two, five clerks of class one; " also two clerks of class three, four clerks of class two, and eight clerks of class one, (transferred from the offices of the third auditor and the solicitor,) one messenger and one assistant messenger, and one laborer, in all, fifty-seven thousand five hundred and sixty dollars. · For compensation of the second auditor, chief clerk, six clerks of class &é>*` 2d ¤¤d¤*°¤‘ four, fifty-four clerks of class three, one hundred and eight clerks of class ' two, two hundred and twelve clerks of class one; also, one clerk of class von. xv. P¤B.—7