Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/150

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118 FORTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 177. 1868. as have been planted by the United States, to whitewash tree-boxes and fences, and to repair pavements in front of the public grounds, three thousand dollars. · -- For lightin the ca itol and President’s House and public rounds Wllgiiug WPI around thim aid around, the executive offices, thirty thousand dollars, For pay of lamp-lighters, gas fittinggplumbing, lamp—posts, lanterns, glass, paints, matches, materials and repairs of all sorts, five thousand dollars. For improvement of capitol grounds, two thousand dollars. Water pipes. For continuing the United States tWeuty·iI1cl1 water main from its present terminus in north B Street on the east side of Delaware Avenue to the United States twelve-inch main on First Street east, ten thousand dollars. Staticnery,&e. For purchase of stationery, books, maps, plans, office furniture and contingents of the office, three thousand dollars. Office efregis- To enable the Secretary of the Interior to pay for fitting necessary glLg_€g,°gg’égf shelving, and for record books furnished or ordered for the office of regisiumbim ter of deeds of the District of Columbia, during the period when Edward C. Eddie was such register, five hundred and fifty dollars. wmnm, H, To pay William H. West for services rendered in taking care of and {mj; €:>;1§*};e_<>f keeping safely the bonds held in trust by the Secretary of the Treasury S,,,,,j,m,,¤ 1H_ for the benefit of the Smithsonian Institution, from March first, eighteen stitution. hundred and fifty, to July first, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, two thousand five hundred dollars, to be paid out of the Smithsonian fund. ,is€\;I?_*;;E$§t?l To enable the secretary of the Senate to complete the alphabetical list cm,,,S_ of private claims to the end of the second session of the Thirty-ninth Congress, and to pay outstanding claims for services rendered in the preparation of said work under a resolution of the Senate of March sixteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, two thousand dollars. _0£é¢P(•;:¤;¢:n $109 That the sum of fifteen thousand dollars, or as much thereof as may -2,,, 0,d,,,mc°_ be necessary, be, and the same is hereby, appropriated, out of any money 1n the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to defray the expenses of the joint committee on ordnance, and that the same shall be drawn from the treasury, upon the order of the secretary of the Senate, as it shall be required; and any portion of the amount hereby appropriated that shall be allowed by the said joint committee to witnesses attending before it, or other persons employed in its service, for per diem travelling or other necessary expenses, and paid by the secretary of the Senate, in pursuance of the orders of said joint committee, shall be accordingly credited and allowed by the accounting officers of the Treasury Department. A\;‘;j·,§)Q’,;‘;‘§tF· To enable the joint committee on the library to pay Mrs. Sarah F. O; inésgrim Lin. Ames an additional compensation for her marble bust of President Lin- <><>l¤- coln, five hundred dollars. elmpcachment For expenses of the trial of the impeachment of Andrew Johnson,

  • "”l· President of the United States, six thousand dollars, or so much thereof

as may be necessary, to be paid into the contingent fund of the Senate. _Purcbsse of For the purchasing of suitable sites for the erection of additional

;;g”;::°°l‘ school—h0uses, and for the maintenance of schools in the county of Wash-

,,,,;,,,,,},,,,,,,6 of mgton, outside of the limits of the cities of Washington and Georgetown, tggxggs ;¤}w¤h the Same to be expended under the direction of the levy court of the in mul *1* ‘ county of Washington, subject to the approval of the Secretary of the fliew to bq cx. Interior, ten thousand dollars. P°“d°d· Sec. 2. And be it further enacted,-That there be, and is hereby, appro- Surrey of priated, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, the }:‘;l;;‘;£;:5:_ sum of nine thousand two hundred and sixty-three dollars and eighty-five tion. cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to pay balance due for the survey of lands embraced in the Osage Indian reservation, in the State of Kansas, under contract dated August fourteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, the said sum to be returned to the treasury out of the pro-