Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/153

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FORTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 178, 179. 1868. 121 Adela, schooner Alicia and cargo, schooner Isabel and cargo, the steamer N¤m°S ¤f James Battle, schooner Diana and cargo, schooner Sea Lion and cargo, °a°°°S’ the cargo of the steamer Nita, steamer Pearl and cargo, schooner Teresa Fo. 2, steamer Union, steamer Victor and cargo, and schooner John Wilrams. Sec. 2. And be it fart/ter enacted, That the Secretary of the Navy is Secretary of hereby authorized and directed to deposit with the assistant United States Nav? .°°§°P‘{“l° treasurer at Washington, District of Columbia, the appraised values of the ziiggliiin gags prize steamers Adela and Nita, condemned in said district court, and 9*0******5 '-¤l*°¤ taken into the naval service, and, after deducting all proper charges and :Q;;_m`v°L1S°f expenses, a moiety of the same shall be distributed under the decree of Amounts, new the said district court, according to law, among the captors entitled to l°l"* dl“’ll"“°d· share in said prizes, the steamers Adela and Nita respectively, and the remaining moiety of the same shall be subject to the order of the said district court, as hereinafter provided. Src. 3. And be- it farther enacted, That of the moneys mentioned in S¤lll¤l%¤l the first section of this act, when deposited as herein provided, there shall £;;:;`;5°t€;L:it be retained by the said district court a sufficient fund to await final final decrees; decrees in those of the cases enumerated in the first section of this act, wherein appeals have been taken to the Supreme Court of the United States, and that the balance of said moneys, together with one half of the balance, with, appraised values of the prize steamers Adela and Nita, mentioned in the 5g65E6g8a;;; second section of this not, shall be distributed as prize-money among the wpms, K captors in those of the cases enumerated in the first section of this act, in which final decrees of condemnation have been entered and which are ready for distribution, without reference to the interest of the United States in any and all of the said cases, which said interest of the United States in each of the said cases, and the proceeds for distribution therein, Jnterest of me as well as the interest of the United States in the appraised value of the U¤_l¤¢d_$¤M¤¤ prize steamers Adela and Nita, is hereby relinquished for distribution to r°h“°l“‘Sh°d‘ the captors in those of the cases enumerated and mentioned in the first section of this act wherein decrees of condemnation have been or shall be entered, and for payment to the claimants in those of said eases wherein final decrees of restitution have been or may be passed; and that in each Wl¤}¤'¤ Wm to of said cases wherein final decrees of condemnation and distribution have ?;,?;{gyl?;°6ach been or shall be entered, the sum to be paid into the treasury of the case. United States for distribution to the captors shall be one half of the gross proceeds of sale in said cases, less the costs taxed and allowed by the _ court: Provided, That any sum or sums remaining after execution of all t g°*`m\l:1S“l*:; decrees of distribution and restitution as hereinbefore provided, be paid czadzbpsi ,,,2,, ° into the treasury of the United States to the credit of the navy pension pension fund. fund: And provided farther, That nothing herein contained shall be United States deemed an admission on the part of the United States of any liability for léqggyglgggglcb the defalcation of the said Clapp as marshal aforesaid. tion. Arr1:ov1cD, July 20, 1868. CHAP. CLXXIX.—-An Act authorizing the Construction of a Bridge across the Mis- July 20, 1868· souri River, upon the military Reservation at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That it shall be lawful for the Kansas and Kansas and Missouri Bridge Company, a corporation having authority Bjljf from the State of Kansas, to build a railroad, transit, and wagon bridge build bridge across the Missouri River upon or near the military reservation of Fort ¤§>¤‘<>S{ Ml$>><>¤¤‘l Leavenworth · and that when constructed all trains of all roads terminat· m" ’ _ , ,’ . . . . . what trains mg at the Missouri River at or near the location of said bridge, shall be may MOSS_ allowed to cross said bridge for a reasonable compensation to be paid to the owners thereoil And in case of any litigation arising from any ob- In easeot‘1iti— struction or alleged obstruction to the free navigation of said river, the B*\¤°¤» Wl*°”°