Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/231

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FORTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 248. 1868. 199 Chickasaws ; one for the tribes east of the Rocky Mountains; one for the Indians in the Territory of New Mexico; one for the Ponca tribe; one for the Pawnees; one for the Yancton Sioux; three for the tribes in the Territory of Washington; one for the Grand River and Uintah bands of Indians in the Territory of Colorado; two for the Upper Missouri and the country adjacent thereto; one for the Ottawas, Chippewas of Swan Creek and Black River, and Christian Indians in Kansas; four agents for the State of California; one for the Kiowa, Apache, and Comanche Indians; one for the Sisseton and Warpeton bands of Dakota or Sioux Indians; one for the bands of Sacs and Foxes of the Mississippi, now in Tama County, Iowa; one for the Indians in the State of Nevada: Provided, 'I`hat it shall be the duty of the President to dispense with the Services of services of such Indian agents, herein mentioned, as may be practicable; ¤s¤¤fS to be and where it is practicable, he shall require the same person to perform $;;g;¤;;g,;g_;§ the duties of two agencies for one salary. ble. For pay of sub-agents, six thousand dollars. Sub-agents. For pay of clerk to superintendent of central superinfeudenq', 0110 016;-ks. thousand two hundred dollars. For pay of clerk to superintendent of Indian affairs in California, one thousand eight hundred dollars. d Stor temporary clerks to superintendents of Indian affairs, five thousand o ars. For pay of interpreters, twenty thousand four hundred dollars. Interpreters. For buildings at agencies and repairs thereof, five thousand dollars. Buildings For contingencies of the Indian Department twenty-five thousand dol- Contingencies. lars. For fulfilling treaty stipulations with various Indian tribes: — Assinaboincs. —- For second of twenty payments to be made during Treaty stiputhe pleasure of Congress, to be expended at the discretion of the Presi- lations with the dent, in such articles, goods, and provisions as he may from time to time AS°'°°b°m°S‘ determine, ten thousand dollars of which may be expended in the purchase of stock, animals, and agricultural implements, in instructing in agricultural and mechanical pursuits, in employing mechanics, in educating their children, providing necessary and proper medicines and medical attendance, care for and support of their aged, infirm, and sick, for their helpless orphans, and in any other respect to promote their civilization, comfort, and improvement, and also for pay of head chief, thirty thousand dollars. Arickarees, Gros Ventres., and Mandans. —— For second payment, to be Arickarees, made during the pleasure of Congress, to be expended in such goods, gfgshxlzzigszw provisions, and other articles as the President may from time to time de- ' terminc, five thousand of which may be expended in the purchase of stock animals, and agricultural implements, in instructing in agricultural and mechanical pursuits, in employing mechanics, educating their children, providing medicines and medical attendance, care for and support of the aged, sick, and infirm, for the helpless orphans of said Indians, and in any other respect to promote their civilization, comfort, and improvement, and also for pay of head chied soldier chiefs, second chief, and Pierre Gavneaux, for his services to the Arickarees, forty thousand dol- uegligre Gavlars. ' Apaches, Howes, and Oomanches. —- For the first of thirty instalments Apaches, Kp,. provided to [be] expended under the tenth article of the treaty of Octo— Eztczzg C0- ber twenty-first, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, concluded at Medi- POS,, Bp_ 584, cine Lodge Creek, in Kansas, with the Kiowas and Comanches, and under 590. the third article of the treaty of the same date, made with the Apaches, the amount herein appropriated to be in lieu of the third of forty instalments, to be paid to the Kiowas and Comanches under the fifth article Vol. xiv. p. 719. of the treaty of October eighteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, and in lieu of the second article of the treaty with the Apaches of October