Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/260

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228 F ORTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch.258, 259. 1868. Wi;¤¤<> ¤·;?¤ d¤ operation of the provisions of said clause is postponed shall be extended zguggllcmf until said ilrst day of January, eighteen hundred anal sixty-nine, And and clause ? hereby so amended as to road as follows: In all proceedings in bankrupt y commenced after the first day of January eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, no discharge shall be granted to h dclnor whose assets shall not be equal to fifty per centum of the claims proved against his estate upon which he shall be liable as the principal debtor, unless the gg. sent in writing of a majority in number and value of his creditors to whom he shall have become liable as principal debtor and who shall have proved their claims, be filed in the case at or before tlxc time of the hear. ing of the application for discharge. m·g:§:_';'”°”"' Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That said act be further amended vw? ., ,, -

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% as fo1¥>ws Thcgxlgrasz presented of def§n¢gcd&IB the fourteenth sec.

» » 1 l · tion 0 said act s a rea ‘ prosecute or e eu ; the phrase “ nonresident debtors " in line five, section twenty-two, of the act as printed in the Statutes at Large, shall read " non-resident creditors " ; that the word “0r" in the next to the last line of the thirty-ninth section of the act shall read " and " ; that the phrase “ section thirtccn" in the forty-·seco_nd section of said acc shall read "s<-action elcven"; and the phrase “or s ends a tthereof' "th f t -f th f ' agi: shall lrgagf or shall sngug £;;;]€>art1?her§of nlnygalnlng ’§?;n?lnt;;t,S;il;g words " with the senior register, or " and the phrase " to be delivered to

 the register " in the forty-seventh section of said act be stricken out.

R<3g5¤f¤f¤ ¤¤¤>’ SEO. 3. And be it further enacted, That registers in bankruptcy Hdmlhistéf CB1'- h h _ d • • h · I . . . mu (mm s :1 are povler be a mm1ster oat s m al cases and 111 relzmon to all

   matters m whxcll oaths may be administered by commissioners of the cir·

C°mm‘”’°“‘ cult: courts of the United States, and such commissioners may take proof $331 2)} $3:,:,, of debts in bankruptcy in all cases, subject to the revision of such proofs subject, &c. by the register and by the court according to the provisions of said act. APPROVED, July 27, 1868. July 27, 1868. CHAP. CCLIX. —An Act l0 tragyér to the Department <y‘" the Interior certain Powers Z;} Duties now exercised lp; the ecretary of the Treasury in Connection with Indian (UTS, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represenla£·[ves of the United The guporxais- States of America in Congress assembled, That the powers and duties doiim ggw§f;p§S'w ;:l:EExl<i: {;?gx tl;? Eicreiarygf gnogreasnry, ninder and bx $ll‘CI1C of tlm ndiana airs, ¤ ac cn1 c ‘ n ac ma mv approprxa rons or tw §;¤h:r:g;$:{;<; current and contingent cxocnsos of tlmc Indian iepartment, and for fulof the Tmuum lilling treatyrtlpulutxons wuh the varxous Indlan trnbcs for the your endwbo exercised mg June·t1cth, eighteen hundred and forty-nine, and for other pur- L’l’$:€1°;;‘;;’l§lY poses," approved July twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and forty-night, 1B,8 c}, u8 §4_ and the powers and duties dcvolving upon him under and by virtue of the Vol. m p- 264· lags rolagxng to the invastm<-mt of the moneys in behalf of the Cherokee n ions, rom the sales of land under the treaties concluded at Pontotoc $01. p. 222- October twentieth, eighteen hundred and |;hirhy·t.wo, and at Waslxington °•" ‘ P· ‘ City, May tvyeuty-fourth, eighteen hundred and thirty-four, as also all other supervisory and appellate powers and duties in regard to Indian aH`a1rs, which may now bylaw be vested in the said Secretary of the Treasury, shall from and after the passage of this act be exercised and pcrformcd by the {Qccrcmry of the Department of the Interior. Oensun tobo Suc. 2. And be at further enacted, That the Secretary of the Interior °é‘L‘:;§;BE?;f’“ slmll cause a new roll or census to be made of the North Carolina or yghggpipsynécnts lngtcrn ?ll%I‘El(GGF, which shall be the roll upon which payments duc said 81*1 ¤m¤ ¤· n ians sm e made. G¤¤¥¤ml¤¤i<>p¤1‘ Sec. 3. And Dc it further enacted, That hereafter the Secretary of the cl` lndmn ailinrs Imerior I ll , h · · . . W supervise , sm cauw the commxsswner of Indmn SERIYS to take the same fggern chem. sugcrvnnory clnargg of the Eastern or North Carolina Cherokccs as of · ot cr tr: cs 0 n inns. Approved, July 27, 1868.