Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/269

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FORTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 264, 265. 1868. 237 Sec. 10. And be it further enacted, That the remarriage of any widow _Th° *'°m**}”· or dependent mother, otherwise entitled to a pension prior to the applica- ;L°§;:;,,°Q;,2d°w tion therefor, or to the issue of a pension certificate to her, shall not debar mother not to her right to a pension for the period elapsing from the death of her hus- d°¥"l"° l,l‘“'g band or son, on account of whose services and death she may claim a g2g2g!?,,?;,, i:,,- pension, to her remarriagc: Provided, however, That nothing in this sec- r¢¤j¤rri¤g¤· tion shall be construed to repeal or modify the fourth section of an act 18;_,;°gQ;’°é, M_ entitled "An act supplementary to the several acts granting pensions," Vo1.’xin;p.’499. approved March third, eighteen hundred and sixty-five. Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, That the provisions of the ninth l’¤¤¤i<>¤¤¢<> section of an act approved July fourth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, Zg}§?;g°rj{:°t entitled "An act supplementary to ‘ An act to grant pensions,’ " are here- noted by by continued in force for five years from the fourth day of July, eighteen ggulldi 247 9 hundred and sixty-seven. V0,%’;,i{_ p_ gig: Sec. 12. And be it further enacted, That section one of an act en- G¤¤Stru¤ti<>¤ titled "An act supplementary to the several acts relating to pei1sions,"g{,1866* °h‘1°6‘ approved June six, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, shall be so construed viii, xiv, ss. as to secure to every person entitled by law before the passage of said _ P°'S°¤¤ mf act to a less pension than twenty-five dollars per month, who while in the lf3;,:;°;,$g§’ military or naval service and in the line of duty, or in consequence of to have pension wounds received or disease contracted therein, having only one eye, shall °f$25 "· m°“*h· have lost the same, a pension of twenty-five dollars per month. Sec. 13. And be it further enacted, That the third section of an act Construction entitled "An act increasing the pensions of widows and orphans, and. for gf318°6· °h· 23* other purposes," approved July twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred and sixty- v(§i_ xiv, p, agp, six shall be so construed as to place all pensioners whose right thereto I’_°¤Sl¤¤S ¤<>· accrued subsequently to the war of the Revolution, and prior to the fourth S,?;';? g;°p;l;?,_ day of March, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, on the same footing, as to lotion, and prior rate of pension, from and after the passage of said act, as those who have *° M‘"°h *»1861i been pensioned under acts passed since said fourth day of March, eigh- { d f teen hundred and sixty-one; and the widows of revolutionary soldiers and Sofdigl ;,:,S;m_ sailors now receiving a less sum shall hereafter be paid at the rate of orsoftlic Revoeight dollars per month. l“°‘°“· Sec. 14. And be it further enacted, That all officers in the military Certain ofH1_ or naval service, of the rank of captain in the army or lieutenant in the L)'; :;n3""l*' navy, and of less rank, who have lost a leg or arm in such service and in Sp,-pics epiiiicd the line of duty, or in consequence of wounds received or disease con- to r¢¢9iV¤_¤¤ tracted therein, shall be entitled to receive an artificial limb on the same »;;;;,*§_¤··ggg,·mbterms as privates in the army are now entitled to receive the same. seo nest, p. 315. Sec. 15. And be it further enacted, That in all cases pensions hereto- pensions by fore or hereafter granted by special acts of Congress shall be subject to ppwiel ¤;¢§¤;¤¤¤Y be varied in amount according to the provisions and limitations of the Mz33E5b;, p,_m_ pension laws. sion laws. Sec. 16. And be it further enacted, That all acts and parts of acts Repeulofininconsistent with the foregoing provisions of this act be, and the same are consistent NWS hereby, repealed. Approved, July 27, 1868. CHAP. CCLXV. -—·-An Act to pay for indexing the Tax Bill. July gy, ig6g_ Be it enacted by the Senate and Pbusc of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Clerk of the House Appropriation of Representatives be, and he is hereby, authorized to pay out of the con- Fo pity fgli¤d¢¤· tingent fund of the House of Representatives, to the Clerk of the Com- 1"§86'§°ch' ,8,, mittee of Ways and Means, one hundred dollars for preparing, by order Ante,p.12s. of the House, a full index of the “Act imposing taxes on distilled spirits and tobacco, and for other purposes," approved July twentieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight. Approved, July 27, 1868.