Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/304

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272 FORTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 36, 37. 1869. Feb. 19, 1869. CHAP. XXXVI.-An Act to enable the Holly, _Wayr{c, and M114foc Railwqy Company, in the Sade of Michigan, to have the Subscrzptzon to us Capital Stock duly stamped. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Hou!. W¤y¤¤. States of America in Congress assembled, That the president. of the board ¥;:°5x;;1B°; to of directors of the Holly, Wayne, and Monroe Railway Company, in the bavesubscrip- State of Michigan, or any director of said company, may appear before

‘;{*;’t:;l;;gl the collector of the revenue of the first congressional district of the State

` of Michigan at any time prior to the first day of May, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, with the subscriptions to the capital stock of said company, and the said collector shall, upon the payment of the proper stamps required by law, aiiix the proper stamps to said subscriptions to said capital stock, and note upon the margin thereof the time of his so doing; and he shall also cancel and note upon the margin thereof as aforesaid all such stamps as have already been ailixed and not duly cancelled; and the said subscriptions to the capital stock of said company EWM therecri shall thereupon be held good and valid to all intents and purposes, and may be used in all courts and places in the same manner and with like ettects ns if they had been originally duly stamped. APPROVED, February 19, 1869. Feb. 19, 1869. CHAP. XXXVII. —An Act to establish a certain P0st—Road in the Staley Oonrcecticut. Bc fl enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Matted Dngwbridge States of America in Obngress assembled, That the consent of Congress Qwg tfG°E;’fd be, and the same is hereby, given to the erection of adrawbridge over the nectiout River Connecticut River, at or near Middletown, in the State of Connecticut, $;’""EcN§‘”é*“*‘ by the New Haven, Middletown, and Willimuntio Railroad Company. in U.,]“ ’ accordance with the terms of a resolution passed by the general assembly of said State, at the May session thereof; A. D. eighteen hundred and _ sixty-eight, amendatory of the charter of said railroad company. rofglggiggdSite. 2. And be it further- enacted, That said bridge, when completed p0S,_,°m_ m the manner specified in said resolution, and in the place and in accordance with the plans of the board of engineers to be appointed in conformity to the resolution aforesaid, and in accordance with the requirements of the second section of the resolution of the general assembly of the State aforesaid, shall be deemed and taken to be a legal structure, and shall, with the railroad of which it is to be a part, be a post-road for the transmission of the mails of the United States. CO:¤¤:¤¤ efn See. 3. And be ilfurther enacted, That Congress reserves the right to be jihgmbg withdraw the assent hereby given, in case the tree navigation of said if, sw. river shall at any time be substantially and materially obstructed by any bridge to be erected under the authority of said resolution. SOHUYLER COLZAX, eaker 0 the ousc o Re resentatives. B. FFPWADES f P President of the Senate pro tempore. Indorsed by the President: “Received February 8, 1869." [Norm BY THE Dnmnrmmur or STATE.- The foregoing act having been presented to the President of the United States for his approval, and not having been returned by him to the house of Con i-ess in whicb it ori inated within the time prescribed b the Constitution of Sie United States, bas become 2. law without his approvab]