Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/328

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296 FORTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 121. 1869. for*})PI{’°P*i”%*i°¤ For compensation of the civil engineer of the bureau of yards and yardggsihgcks; docks, two-thousand dollars; chief clerk, eighteen hundred dollars ; one clerk of the fourth class; one clerk of the third class; two clerks of the second class; one clerk of the first class; one draughtsman, fourteen hundred dollars; one messenger, eight hundred and forty dollars; and two laborers, twelve hundred,——fom·t,een thousand six hundred and Fort dollars. 0V <>¤l¤¤¤<=¤S For edrupensation of the chief clerk of the bureau of ordnance, in place 186% °}1-13*93- of the of zhe assistant provided by section three of the act of July fifth, V°l' Xu' p` 6u' eighteen hundred and sixty-two, eighteen hundred dollars ; one druughtsmam, fourteen- hundred dollafs; one clerk of the second class, fourteen hundred dollars; one messenger, eight hundred and forty dollars; and two laborers, twelve hundred dollars, ——six thousand six hundred and for} dollars. ¤¤‘3fr;g:;i;’;l°'{* F)hrthe compensation of the chief clerk of the bureau of equipment g’ and recruiting, eighteen hundred dollars; one clerk of the fourth class; one clerk of the third class ; two clerks of the first class; and one messenger, eight hundred and forty dollars,-eight thousand four hundred and forty dollars. vf ¤¤vig¤¢i<>¤s For the compensation of the chief clerk of the bureau of navigation, eighteen hundred dollars; one clerk of the second class; one clerk of the first class; and one messenger, eight hundred and forty dollhrs,—- five thousand two hundred and forty dollars. _¤f <=¤¤S¤r¤<;- For compensation of the chief clerk of the bureau of construction and tm °‘“d "°p°‘“`$ repair, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one draughtsman, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one clerk of class four; two clerks of class three; two clerks of class two; one messenger, eight hundred and forty dollars; and one laborer, six hundred dollars,——t,we1ve thousand eight hundred and forty dollars. ,°f *{*°¤f¤ °¤· For compensation of the chief clerk of the bureau of steam engineergm°°"°g’ ing, eighteen hundred dollars; one dmughtsman, fourteen hundred dollars; one clerk of the second class, fourteen hundred dollars ; one assistant draughuman, twelve hundred dollars ; one messenger, eight hundred and forty dollars; and one laborer, six hundred dollars,-— seven thousand two hundred and forty dollars. <>f r>¤’¤Yi¤i¤¤¤ For compensation of the chief clerk of the bureau of provisions and md °‘°thmg* clothing, eighteen hundred dollars; one clerk of the fourth class; two clerks of the third class; two clerks of the second class; three clerks of the first class ; one messenger, eight hundred and forty dollars; and one llaborer, six hundred dollars, —- fourteen thousand six hundred and forty ollurs. af ¤¤¤dl¤i¤° For compensation of the chief of the bureau of medicine and surgery, "' °'"g°r·Y‘ three thousand five hundred dollars; one clerk of the fourth class; one clerk of the third class; one messenger, eight hundred and forty dollars; cmu of M_ and one laborer, six hundred dollars, ·-— eight thousand three hundred and Bgmm, wmmy forty dollars; and the office of assistant secretary of the navy is hereby gugghrégvy abolished ; and no clerks or other employees shall he appointed or employed IN; dgé! m the Navy Department except such as are pIOV1d8d for in this act. CBI` S, O. cOl‘r;S<°l:2:¤;x{¤d INCIDENTAL AND coumzuamw EXPENSES on THE NAVY DEPARTMENT. P°}':°°:;mc° of Office of the Secretary my the Navy.—For stationery, labor, news- Secretary; gagcrs, and miscellaneous items, two thousand eight hundred and forty o ars. b¤¤’°¤¤ <>f Bureau 0 Yards and Docks. — For stationer books [aus dmwinvs yards and d°°kS’ and miseellafxeous items, eight hundred dollars. y, j P , O , equipment; Bureau of Equipment and Recruiting.-—For stationery, books, and wd "°°'“‘““€¥ miscellaneous items, seven hundred and fifty dollars. navigation. Bureau of .Navi_qut£on.--For stationery, blank--books, and miscellaneous items, eight hundred dollars.