Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/369

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FORTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 139, 140, 141. 1869. 337 New York, to be constructed under and by virtue of an act of the legis- Rivstgstwseqi lature of the State of New York, entitled “An act to incorporate the gsgklgdkwmn New York Bridge Company, for the purpose of constructing and main- completed to be taining a bridge over the East River between the cities of New York and Sl;;':` Brooklyn," passed April sixteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, is mm, p hereby declared to be, when completed in accordance with the aforesaid law of the State of New York, a lawful structure and post-road for the conveyance of the mails of the United States: Provided, That the said bridge shall be so constructed and built as not to obstruct, impair, or in- b li)"l€lE° h°" te juriously modify the navigation of the river; and in order to secure a 8 m ` compliance with these conditions, the company, previous to commencing the construction of the bridge, shall submit to the Secretary of War a plan PMS wd of the bridge, with a detailed map of the river at the proposed site of the Q?};:,? lg; §g:;,,_ bridge, and for the distance of a mile above and below the site, exhibiting tary of War. the depths and currents at all points of the same, together with all other information touching said bridge and river as may be deemed requisite by the Secretary of \Var to determine whether the said bridge, when built, will conform to the prescribed conditions of the act, not to obstruct, impair, or injuriously modify the navigation of the river. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of War is here- WS°°I;?**“‘¥,;>f by authorized and directed, upon receiving said plan and map and other in- mg'; Sigia :2* formation, and upon being satisfied that a bridge built on such plan and plan, ge. notify at said locality will conform to the prescribed conditions of this act, not $;’,f;F’:x';Y·,h8n to obstruct, impair, or injuriously modify the navigation of said river, to mc; mgybridgq, notify the said company that he approves the same; and upon receiving such notification the said company may proceed to the erection of said ‘ bridge, conforming strictly to the approved plan and location. But until the Secretary of War approve the plan and location of said bridge, and b B*'ldg° **0**5* notify said company of the same in writing, the bridge shall not be built u?,§{”;‘,:1,$l;:° or commenced; and should any change be made in the plan of the bridge approved. _ during the progress of the work thereon, such change shall be subject like- pI3K1Q?;";" wise to the approval of the Secretary of War. proved. P- Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That Congress shall have power AM 1'¤¤y be at any time to alter, amend, or repeal this act. °‘“°r°d‘ Approved, March 3, 1869. CHAP. CXL. —-An Act res ectin the Organization of Militia in the States of North Much B, 186*% Carolina, South Carolina, g`l0rida, Alabama, Louisiana, and Arkansas. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That so much of the act en- prg§¥m’tL°fth’;°* titled “An act making appropriations for the suppport of the army for 0yggnizg_ti§n’ the year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight., and for g¤9·<>1’3¤iii¤i¤_ other purposes," approved March two, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, {;‘,§gf°;“ as prohibits the organization, arming, or calling into service of the militia rebellion. forces in the States of North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Alabama, ¥’§"·;]¤·17°Q}8g· Louisiana, and Arkansas, be, and the same is hereby, repealed. A,,,e;v,,_1;dd_ ’ Approved, March 3, 1869. CHAP. CXLI.-An Act further to provide for giving Tcl to Treaty Stzivulutions between this and foreign Governments for the Extra ition of Crzmmals. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That whenever any person who cugggsggzgge shall have been delivered by any foreign government to an agent or delivered by ’ agents of the United States for the purpose of being brought within the foreign govern· United States and tried for any crime of which he is duly accused, the ;”*;‘;*€g? 3;*0 President shall have power to take all necessary measures for the trans- lg,,,,,,; Smeg, t,, portation and safe-keeping of such accused person, and for his security $g¤;§;z;l¤tl¤— against lawless violence, until the final conclusion of his trial for the Smeg mdmed, voL. xv. Pun. -— 22