Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/399

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FORTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 83, 84. 1868. 367 County; R. L. l\IcWhorter, James R. Bynum, D. A. Newsom, C. J. ,I·°8*‘l_**;)€ P°· ondweii, H. o. 11a1es,J01m Mitcl1el1,G. H. rriwmpam, w. H. Mcwim- {§§§‘;;;};§$,3"‘ ter, junior, R. Hulbert, and J. C. Broom of Greene County; W. H. from certain Rainey, John B. Miller, Whitson Frohoek, Henry F. Beach, and John ‘“ Brooks, of Glynn County; James A. Maxwell, George M. Wyatt, W. J. g ` Allurns, J. C. Grifiin, John Fryer, and Willis Goodwin, of Henry County; Joel R. Griffin, William A. Matthews, John H. Hose, Augustus Alden, A. C. Thompson, Kinchen Taylor, Elbert Fagan, James W. Love, Jesse Cooper, and Robert Braswell, of Houston County; George F. Page, of Lee County; Joshua Grifiin and A. J. Liles, of Lowndes County; M. A. Potts and M. B. Potts, of Monroe County; Francis M. D. Hopkins, of Miller County; W. Woods, of Morgan County; S. F. Strickland and C. D. Forsyth, of Paulding County; Ephraim Tweedy, James N. Ells, William Doyle, and Joseph P. Carr, of Richmond County; Duncan Jordan and `William B. Dixson, of Randolph County; W. D. Hamilton, of Scriveu County; J. H. Caldwell, J. T. McCormick, Thomas C. Miller, and E. H. `Worrell, of Troup County; John R. Evans, M. C. Smith, Henry H. Tooke, C. H. Latimer, Thomas S. Hopkins, Theophilus P. Perry, and Thomas S. Paine, of Thomas County; Marion Bethune, J. T. Co-=tin, Albert Costin, J. L. Gunn, and B. Carley of Talbot County; Williain F. Holden, of Taliaferro County; Augustus H. Lee, of Newton County; James H. McWhorter, W. H. Ward, F. L. Upson, and F. J. Robinson, of Oglethorpe County; Edward R. Harden, of Randolph County; David B. Harrell, of Stewart County; L. H. GreenleafQ of Ware County; William Griffin. of Wilkiiison County; S. C. Prudden and A. C. Mason, of Putnam County; W. U. Gibson, and Samuel F. Gove, of Twiggs County. W. K. DeGraifenreid, Marshall DeGraH`enreid, and W. J. Lawton, of Bibb County; J. H. Harrison, of Franklin County; lVilliam Gibson, of Richmond County; John R. Strother, of Baldwin County; J. G. M. W8.l`HOCk, John McKinnon, William G. Bagwell, Abraham Strickland, Murdock McCloud, and Robert Humphries, of Brooks County; J. R. Corker, of Burke County; William P. Edwards, of Taylor County; G. W. Nunnally, Flouruoy W. Adams, Peter W. Huteheson, of Clark County; James M. Clark, of Sumpter County; Davis \Vhelchel, of Hall County; James Hutfaker, of Whitfield County; John M. Matthews, A. L. Byrd, G. II. Byrd, II. T. Sanders, John N. Montgomery, Joel Hunt, M. A. Daniel, Gabriel Nash, and V. H. Deadwyler, of Madison County. Sec. 4. And be ttficrther enacted, That all legal and political disabili- l_t¥#°8*g_**l#l_P°· ties imposed by the United States upon the following-named citizens of ,iQ§°;,,,,:S$eQ" Arkansas and South Carolina, in consequence of participation in the re- fromeertain pei-. cent rebellion, be, and the same are hereby, removed, namely: W. M. ggléséglibgkggzgi Harrison, of Drew County, and James R. Berry, of Pulaski County, of ima, Arkansas; and C. C. Bowen, F. J. Moses, junior, R. M. Wallace, John D. Ashmore, and Thomas J. Mackey, of South Carolina. Approved, June 25, 1868. CHAP. LXX.XIV.—An Act _/or the gpiey of the Widow and Children of Benq E. June 25, 186l. OTSB. Be it enacted [gy the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _ States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the In- wiggafgsdtzhw terior be, and he is hereby, directed to place on the pension rolls the dm, Ogg,,,,,., names of the widow and minor children under sixteen years of age of E. Morse. Henry E. Morse, late a private in company G, ninth regiment Vermont volunteers, subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension laws. Approved, June 25, 1868.