FORTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 21, 22, 23, 24, 27. 1867. 13 assembly elected at the general election of said Territory in the year Memhm eighteen hundred and sixty-seven shall com pose the first legislature under g°§;°2hL”g,;27 this act, and said legislature shall meet at the time now fixed by law for legisleture uuthe meeting of the legislative assembly of Colorado Territory. d°£“‘l;1:€";m to APPROVED, March 30, 1867. m,,;gwh,,,_ CHAP. XXII. --· An Act pr zhe Support in Pan of me Nacional Soldienf and Sedan' March so,1sa1. Orphan Home an the District of Columbia. `—_"_""""_`° Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United »S?ates of America in Congress assembled, That there be, and is hereby f AgP*‘°P'i***l°° appropria.ted, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropri- {32,,,: 11m;,;" ered, for the support in part of the National S0ldiers’ and SaiIors’ Orphan nations! Sole Home, in the District of Columbia, organized under an act of the twenty- g£}”S6lE”€a§“*l' fifth of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, amended by the act of the Hommgnd how twenty-second of February, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, to be ex- W bg °><P;¤d°d· pended under the direction of the officers of said institution, five thousand :82;* gh; i;?' dollars. Vol. 'xiv. pp. Approved, March 30, 1867. 2*% ‘*°1· CHAP. XXIII.-An Ad extending to the State of Nebraska the Provisions of an Act March 80, 1867. relating to Agricultural Colleges. _"“`""'—' Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the grant made by law L¤¤d s¤‘¤¤f¤d of the second day of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, to each State, gx3m;? 2*5 0f land equal to thirty thousand acres for each of its senators and repre- leges. sentatives in Congress, for the purpose of establishing agricultural col- `}*§“€i;’l’· 1:35 leges, is extended to the State of Nebraska in the same manner as if 1%g6,,,],?'20g_' Nebraska had been a State of the Union at the date of the passage of Vol. xiv. p.208. said law. Approved, March 30, 1867. CHAP. XXIV.·—An Act to provhe in Part for grading the Public Grounds, and for March 30, 1867. other Purposes. "—"'—"_" Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the sum of twenty thou- APPf?P¤'!¤¤l°¤ sand dollars is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the treasury not gQgQQ,§ Pub' otherwise appropriated, to be expended by the Secretary of the Interior removing binildunder the supervision of the architect of the Capitol extension, in grading, ***8**: Gwfilling up, removin buildings, and improving the public grounds and streets around the éapitol. Sec. 2. And be eftfurtker enacted, That all repairs and alterations of the Repairs, alter- Cnpitol building shall be made under the direction and supervision of the ;f;’;‘v`§:_‘;;°*;_° b° architect of the Capitol extension. whos, dna0H0n_ Approved, March 30, 1867. CHAP. XXVII. ·-—·An Act suppkmenlary to an Act entithzd “An Act making Appropri- Jul? 19: 1867· qtions fw sundry Civil Expenses"? the Government jbr the Your ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and suzty-eight, for other Purposes," passed Mamh second, ezghteen v01_ xiv_ P, 4693 hundred and sixty-seven. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the concluding proviso Printing in of section ten of the act described in the title hereof shall not be held to gg Em1;Y8¤d prevent the necessary priming, as heretofore done, in the Treasury its gureaus, how Department and the bureaus thereof; by their own employees; but the m¤y be d<>¤¤- number of persons employed in this service shall not be increased. Armcovnn, July 19, 1867.
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