Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/494

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462 FORTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 176, 177, 178. 1869. Hartt, widow of the late naval constructor, Samuel T. Hartt, the sum 0f three thousand dollars, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, the same to be in full and complctc compensation and smi=- factiou for the use of zz. gun-elevating screw invented by said Samuel T. Plartt, and which had been used on the iron gnu-carriages of the United Statcsnav . Arrxoév, March 3, 1869. March 3, 1869- . VII.-—An Act or the Relie o Gear e Fowler and the Estam o De _—i—__— CHAP CLXX Grasse Fzfwlcr, dcccasélgcgr theiiqzissigns. , f Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United George Fvyvipr States of America in Congress assembled, That George Fowler and the f‘;fflmE];°O’}'lB°[;"‘s' administrators of the estate of De Grgssp Fowler, or their assigns, have Grnssc Fowler leave to make application to the comnnsgroncr ofzpatents for an_extension

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` issue tot e said cor e <`owcr an e rassc *0w or or IQ crm 0 patent fburteen years from thi seventeenth day of April, cighmen hundred and fifty-fivc, in the same manner as if the petition for said extension had been filed at lcast ninety days prior to the expiration of said patent, and that the commissioner be auzhorizcd to consider and determine said application in the same manner as if it had been iilcd ninety days before the expiration of the said parent. AI’PROVED, Mm-ch 3, 1869. March 3, 1869· CHAP. CLXXVIII.—An Act c0ry’irmz`ng cermz'11 Purchases of Lands in the Ionia ` "v"*`"" District, Mich{qan, made by C/zarles IL Rcdd and Andrew .]. Campvau. Bc it mzactczl by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United HOE$";m‘ States of America in Uvngress assembled, That the locations and purchases c1,m;0,,0(»hL,dby of land made by Clmrlcs H. Roald and Andrew J. Campca.11, undcr the Clmrms IL Road provisions of the trcuty of August; two, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, in

 the Ioniu land district, Michigan, be, and the same nrc hereby, confirmed,

5,-,,,m, so {hr ns such purchases or locations were made prior to the instructions VOL ><*· D- 633- oftl1<> commissioner of the general land office to the register and rcccivcr not to allow any furtlucr Indian locations or purchases in the Indian reseri’¤’¤V?¤¤¤· vntionz Provided, Tlmt such purclmscs were made regularly,u.cc0rding to the regulations and instructions of the general land officc in fbrce at the time: Anil provided, That this act shall not prejudice any adverse claims to suc; lands. APPROVED, March 3, 1869.