Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/519

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CONVENTION WITH THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. FEB. 8, 1867. 487 States, or any of them, or against para armar ningun buque 6 buqoes the citizens, people, or inhabitants y salir a corso contra los dichos of the said United States, or any Estados Unidos o alguno de ellos, of them, or against the property of 6 contra los ciudadanos, pueblos 6 any of the inhabitants of any of habitantes de dichos Estados Unidos them, from any prince or State with o alguno de ellos, ni contra los bienes which the said United States shall de ninguno de sus habitantes; ni be at war; nor shall any citizen or ningun ciodadano ni habitante de inhabitant of the said United States, los Estados Unidos 6 alguno de ellos or any of them, apply for or take solicitara. ni tomara de ningun prinany commission or letters of marque cipe o estado con quicn la Reptibfor arming any ship or ships to act lica Dominicana este en guerra as privateers against the citizens or patentes ni letras de marca para inhabitants of the Dominican Ro- armar algun buqoc 6 buquesy salir public, or any of them, or the prop- zi corso contra los ciudadanos 6 habierty of any of them, from any pr nce tantes dc dicha Repuhlica, 6 algoor State with which the said Repub- no de ellos, y si algun individuo lic shall be at war; and if any per- de cualqniera de las dos nacioncs son of either nation shall take such tomare tales patentes 6 letras de commissions of letters of marque, marca, sera castigado conforme 6. he shall be punished according to sus respectivas lcycs. their respective laws. Anrrotn XXVI. Armcoto 26. The high contracting parties Las altas partes contratantes se Cvnwls, vicegrant to each other the liberty of conccden reciprocamente lalibertad °°“s“l”·&°‘ having in the ports of the other, de tener en los puertos de la otra. consuls or vice-consuls of their own consoles y vice consoles nombrados appointment, who shall enjoy the por cllas mismas, los cuales gozaran same privileges and powers as those de los propios privilegios y faculof the most favored nation; but if tadcs que los de la nacion mas favoany of the said consuls or vice-com recida; pero si alguno de dichos suls shall carry on trade, they shall consoles 6 vice consoles ejercieren be subjected to the same laws and el comercio, estaran sujetos a las usages to which private individuals mismas leyes y osos 6. que estuof their nation are subjected in the vieren sujetos en el mismo lugar same place. los particulares de so nacion. It is understood that whenever Se entiende que, siempre que Residenceeither of the two contracting par- cualquiora de las dos partes contraties shall select a citizen of the other tantes elijiere a on ciudadano de la. toraconsular agent, to reside in any otra por agente consular con resiports or commercial places of the dencia en puertos o plazas comerlatter, such consul or agent shall ciales de la ultima, tal consul 6 continue to be regarded, notwith- agente continuara siendo considestanding his quality of a foreign rado, no obstante so calidad de conconsul, as a citizen of the nation sul estrangero, como ciudadano de to which he belongs, and conse- la nacion a que pertenecc,y consiquently shall be subject to the laws guientemente estara somctido 6. las and regulations to which natives are leyes y reglamentos a que en el subjected in the place of his resi- lugar de su residencia lo estuviereu dence. This obligation, however, los naturales. Sin embargo, esta. shall in no respect embarrass the obligacion en ningon respecto emexercise of his consular functions barazara el ejercicio de sos funor affect the inviolability of the ciones consulares, ni afectara la consular archives. inviolabilidad de los archivos con- The said consuls and vice·consuls sulares. shall have the right, as such, to sit Dichos consoles y vice consoles as judges and arbitrators in such tendran como tales el derecho de