Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/53

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F ORTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Rus. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 1867. 21 o. 5. Joint Resolution lo authori re' ‘ ’' la 112 ,1867. [N 1 upon Merchandise?§1zptho$·led{?;$h:`é2;2e:i!£·a»(;lw atzmq Dum; mud I rc 2 Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Stazes of America in Congress assembled. That the Secretary of the DF'°"i'“*“**”¢ Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized to remit or refund all duties which g;g¥3;.°;°{,':g_ have been assessed since the first day of January, one thousand eight: hun- diss imported in dred and sixty-five, on Hawaiian vessels and their cargoes beyond the £L"“J;“E°“r; amount which would have been payable on vessels of the United States rum, and their cargoes. Approved, March 22, 1867. [Na. 6.] Joint Resolution in Rekmbntéa cygwin Coin and Bullion on special Deposzt in March 22, 1867. e reasury. Be e2 resolved ky the Senate and House qF Representatives of the waited States of America in Congress assembled, That the one hundred thou- 06***9 ¤<>i¤ sand dollars, or thereabout, in coin and bullion, now on special deposit in Ssggflggsoga the treasury of the United States, after said bullion is converted by direc- in the masury tions of the treasurer into coin, be paid into the treasury. Fx °?“"°"s°d Approved, March 22, 1867. Lzidggiz ga ·——-.- treasury. N0. 7. Joint Resolution authonjthe Secreta o ar to tum over certain Pm 2 8 . { my oh the United States, at Camp Chase, Ohio, g Zhelgse of the National Asylum J5 Eg Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, and for other Pwpcsec. Be it resolved by the »S%mzte and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War The ¥>=¤‘¤<=k¤, be, and hereby is, authorized to turn over the barracks, buildings, and  %‘Q{‘§ to other property of the United States, now at Camp Chase, near Columbus, be un-Led ovhr Ohio, to the board of managers of the national asylum for disabled volun- *H*;° *¤°·;!°K°{¤ teer soldiers, for the use and benefit of such soldiers. 2, 1u;,nE,;°:i:_ Sec. 2. And be {tfurther resolved, That the Secretary of War be, and sbhgi volunteer hereby is, authorized to sell such surplus clothing, quartermastefs and “°g:‘;;3]u cloth medical stores, as he may deem expedient, at first prices, to the national ing md ggrtgin asylum for the use of disabled volunteer soldiers therein. ¤*?5°¤ may **6 Armovmv, March 22, 1867. {Qu t§,°,§.,:"y' ·-———- prices. [N0. 8.] Joint %oIadion to supply an Omission in the Enrolment z` the “Ad to provide March I2, 1867. Jncreaaed Revenue from imported Wool, and jbr other urposes." Wunumns, in the enrolment of the bill entitled “An Act to provide in- vi’>L£.,1,;:i,YQ_55°' creased revenue from imported wool, and for other purposes," approved March second, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, the words "Oanada long wools " were inadvertently omitted from the paragraph designated under the heading “Class 2. Combing Wools"; and whereas, said words are in the engrossed bill, and were intended as part of the act aforesaid, as passed by the Thirty-ninth Congress: Therefore, Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Uongress assembled, That the "Aot to provide in- "0anaAn long creased revenue from imported wool, and for other purposes," aforesaid, gg3Eé i;?,'?];; be, and is hereby, amended by inserting after the words “Down combing 3, Combing wools," in the paragraph headed •‘ 2. Oombing Wools" the words w<>¤1¤-" “ Canada long wools.” Arrnovun. March 22, 1867. No, 9. A Reaoluxion rovidin or the necassar Sur a a SM Canal between 3 3 , [ Idke Erie and Lak? Ontan%,JJ%r mditavy, all/wal, §rnr:¢er·cz?1})Purposes. Resolved by the Senate and House af Representative: of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, Survey , pious, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to cause surveys, with plans and E2'i¤‘;"£’Q,:r°": “’