Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/538

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506 TREATY WITH THE SIOUX INDIANS. FEBRUARY 19, 1867. mF1;;i¤¤dl¥ ¤‘¢l¤·- Anxrxcnm I. The Sissiton and Warpeton hands of Dakota Sioux ` Indians, represented in council, will continue their friendly relations with the government and people of the United States, and bind themselves individually and collectively to use their influence to the extent of their ability to prevent other bands of Dakota O1` other adjacent tribes from making hostile demonstrations against the government or people of the United States. ‘_ig€:’g°:0gf . Am·1cx.¤ II. The said bands hereby eede to the UnitedStates the struct wpgon- right to construct wagon roads, railroads, mail stations, telegraph lines, $:3¤;¤;i;g2sd¤» and such other public improvements as the interest of the government and wlogmpp may require, over and across the lands claimed by said bands (including lines. their reservation as heremufter designated) over any route or routes that B d that may be selected by authority of the government, said lands so elaimi-d <>¤¤ ifi¤¤· bein bounded on the south and east b the treaty line of 1851 and the Redgriver of the North to the mouth of?] Goose river, on the north by the Goose river and a line running from the source thereof by the most westerly point of Devil’s lake to the Chlef’s Bluff at the head of James river, and on the west by the James river to the mouth of Mocasin river, and thence to Kampeska lake. Permanent Am·rcLn III. For and in consideration of the cession above men-

l*`*“°*l $°* tioned, and in consideration of the lhiihful and important services said to

have been rendered by the friendly bnnds of Sissitons and Warpetons Sioux here represented, and also in consideration of the confiscation of all their annuities, reservations, and improvements, it is agreed that there shall be set apart for the members of said bands who have heretofore surrendered to the authorities of the government, and were not sent to the Crow Creek reservation, and for the members of said bands who were released from prison in 1866, the following described lands as a perma nent reservation, viz. : Boundaries. I Beginning at the head of Lake Travers [cj, and thence along the treaty hne of the treaty of 1851 to Kampeska lake; thence in a direct line to Rcipan or the northeast point of the Coteau des Prairie [s], and thence passing north of Skunk lake, on the most direct line to the toot of Lake Traverse, and thence along the treaty line of 1851 to the place of beginmn . R°¤°*‘”*l°¤· ERTICLE IV. It is further agreed that a reservation be set apart for all other members of said bands who were not sent to the Crow Creek reservation, and also for the Out head bands of Yanktonais Sioux, u res- Bo d i ertiption bounded as follows, viz.: ¤¤ M °¤· eginning at the most easter] point of Devil’s lake ; thence alonrr the waters of said lake to the most )westerly point of the same; thencellm a direct line to the nearest point on the Cheyenne river; thence down said river to a point opposite the lower end of Aspen island, and thence on a. dirt-ct line to the lace of bevinnin . R¤¤¤rv¤ti¤¤¤ AIETICLIC V. !l`he said rieservftions shall be apportioned in tracts of °? l’° “l’p°" (160)—0ne hundred and sxt r t h h d f f `l ·¤l mum m mms s1 y uc es 0 enc ea o a ami y, 01 sm¤ c of 180 acres to, person over the age of (21) twenty-one years, belonging to said bands,

 nndicntitled tolocate thereon, who may desire to locate permanently and

for£:£:s0zL§>¤¤· cnlttvute the soil as a means of subsistence: each (160) one hundred and wbdivmdnp sixty acres so allotted to be made to conform to the legal subdivisions of the government. surveys, when such surveys shall have been made; and every person to whom lands may be allotted under the provisions of this article who phhll pccupy and cultivate a portion thereof for five consecutive years s is thereafter be entitled to receive a atent for the same so soon as he shall have fifty acres of said tract fgnced, ploughed, and in [fntents, when crop: Provider], [That] said patent shall not authorize any transfer of l£._’*““°· °“°°° said lands, or portions thereof, except to the United States, but said lands andthe improvements thereon shall descend to the proper heirs of the persons obtaining a patent.