Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/543

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TREATY WITH THE SIOUX INDIANS. FEBRUARY 19, 1867. 511 TACANDUPAHOTANKA, his x mark, head Warpeton Chiefi [SEAL.] OYEHDUZE, his x mark, Chief Sissiton. SEAL.] JOHN OTHERDAY, chief Warpeton. [SEAL. AKICITANANJON, his x mark, Sissiton soldier [SEAL.] VVAXICUNMAZA, his x mark, " " [sEAL. WASIIKIYE, his_ x mark, “ “ [SEAL.] WAMD1DU’1`A, his x mark, “ " [SEAL.] HOKXIDANWAXTB], his x mark, " “ [SEAL.] WAI(AN'I`O, his x mark, " “SEAL.] ECANAJINKE, his x mark, “ “ [SEAL.] CANTEIYAPA, his x mark, " " [SEAL.] TIHDONICA, his x mark, “ “ [SEAL.] TANVAPAHAMAZA, his x mark, “ " [SEAL.] VVANDIIYEZA, his x mark, “ “ [SEAL. TACUNRPIPETA, his x mark, “ “ [SEAL.] XUPEHIYEE, his x mark, Warpeton " [SEAL.] NVICUNRPINUPA, “ “ [s19A];,.] ECETUKIYA, " “ [SEAL.] HANGIDUTA, (dead,) “ “ Signed in presence of N. G. TAYLOR, Uomr. Ind. Afrs. BENJ’N THOMPSON, Special Agent. J. R. Bizown, Spl. Ag:. ALE. A. TAYLOR. W. P. Dom;. H. H. Yomso. ANEXUS M. A. BRovvN, Interp[r]eter. CHAS. CRAWb`ORD, Interpreter. CHARLES E. Mix. Now, therefore, be it known that I, ANDREW J ormsow, President of 1’r<>c1am¤ti<>¤ the United States of America, do, in pursuance of the advice and consent of the Senate, as expressed in its resolution of the fifteenth of April, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, accept, ratify, and confirm the Said Treaty, with the amendments as aforesaid. In testimony whereof I have hereto signed my name, and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington this second day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty- [SEAL.] seven, and of the Independence of the United States of America the ninety-first. ANDREW JOHNSON. By the President: WrLL1AL1 H. SEWARD, Secretary of State.