Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/555

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TREATY WI'I`H THE MIAMIES. FEBRUARY 23, 1867. 523 Agrtemc XL. If any amendments shall be made to this treaty by the Am¤¤dm¤¤¥¤~ Senate, it shall only be necessary to submit the same for the assent of the particular tribe or tribes interested; and should any such amendments be made, and the assent of the tribe or tribes interested not be obtained, the remainder of the treaty not atleeted by sueh amendment shall nevertheless take efI`eet and be in force. ARTICLE XLI. The expenses of negotiating this treaty, not exceed- Expense of ing twelve thousand dollars, shall be paid by the United States. ;‘r;¥;‘;Q:“t"’8 In testimony whereol, the before-natned cotnmissioners on behalf of S,;,gk,,,,0ut_ the United States, and the before-named delegates on behalf of the P<¤S¢.1>· 527- Senecas, mixed Seneeas and Shawnees, Quapaws, cenfederated Peorias, Kaskaskias, Weas, and Piankeshaws, Miamies, Ottztwas, and IVyan· `_ dottes have hereunto set our hands and seals the day and year first b'€‘“‘*“'°· above written. _ LEWIS V. BOGY, [stcAL.] Commissioner of Ledian Ajizirs. W. II. WATSON, [stmt,.] Special Oommissimzer. THOS. MURPHY, [stunt,.] Sup? of Indian Afizirs. G. C. SNOW, [stmt,.] C/Y S. Ind. A_q’t, Ncesho Agency. G. A. COLTON, [stent.,] U: S Ltd. Ag? jbr Jiliamis, Peorias, Qc. GEORGE SPICER, his x mark, [st;AL.] JOHN MUSII, his x mark, [SEAL.] Senccas. JOHN IVHITETREE, his x mark, [SEAL.] JOHN YOUNG, hisx mark, [sum,.] LEWIS DAVIS, his x mark, [SEAL.] Senccas and Shctwnees. S. G. VALIER, [stmt,.] KA-SHE-CAH, his x mark, [SEAL.] Quapctws. BAPTISTE PEORIA, his x mark, [stmt,.] JOHN MITCHELL, his x mark, [stmt,.] EDWARD BLACK, [stmt,.] Peorius, dc. THOMYAS METOSENYAH, his x mark, [SEAL.] THOS. F. RICHARDVILLE, [SEAL.] Jmamies. JOHN WILSON, his x mark, [stem,.] J. T. JONES, [stmt.] Ottawtzs. TAUROMEE, his x mark, [stmt..] JOHN KARAIIO, his x mark, [SEAL.] Wyandottes.