Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/73

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FORTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch.- 22, 24, 25. 1868. 41 papers for publication, as well as all laws and parts of laws in conflict with the provisions of this act, are hereby repealed. Aprnovno, Merch 9, 1868. CHAP. XXIV. -A» Acc jar the tanpgzeq {felief qdurizuce People in the District ty March 10.1868- um za. ' Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the sum of fifteen thousand f API;f°F"¥*gl°” dollars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the d°g,§°;,;;e 2,, th: treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the temporary relief of the desti— District of Cer tute population in the District of Columbia, to be expended under the ‘“mb"‘i supervision and direction of the commissioner of refugees, freedmeu, and abandoned lands: Provided, That as far as practical [practicable] howtobe exsaid sum shall be expended in the employment of persons upon the public ¥’°“d°d‘ grounds and works in the District of Columbia for which appropriations 1g6d6h_ 31, have been heretofore made by Congress, such laborers to be under the direc- Post, p. 269. tion of the officer acting as commissioner of public buildings and grounds. Approved, March 10, 1868. CHAP. XXV.—An Act to amend the Act passed Moro}: twenty-third, eighteen hundred jdgrch 11, 1868. and sixty-seven, entitled "A.n Act supplementary to ‘An Act to provide far the more ejfi- 1867, ch. 6. cient Government q" the rebel States} passed lilarch second, eightem hundred and sixty- Ante! p- 2- seven, and tofacditate their Restoration? V°r XW P- *28- Be it enacted @ the Senate and House of Representatives of the United · States of Americd in Congress assembled, That hereafter any election E\¤¤ii<>¤Si¤ authorized by the act passed March twenty-three, eighteen hundred and 3:°:,£;§?;£g°g sixty-seven, entitled "An act supplementary to ‘ An act to provide for determined bya. the more etiicient government of the rebel States; passed March two, ‘¤*g;’“>’£f '*h° [second,] eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, and to facilitate their resto- v° °°° ration," shull be decided by a majority of the votes actually cast; and at Who may the election in which the question of the adoption or rejection of any con- v°t°' stitution is submitted, any person duly registered in the State may vote in the election district where he offers to vote when he has resided therein for ten days next preceding such election, upon presentation of his certificate of registration, his afiidavit, or other satisfactory evidence, under such regulations as the district commanders may prescribe. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the constitutional convention P¤'<>Vi¤i°¤*m¤Y of any of the States mentioned in the acts to which this is amendstory ¥:gu}g5:°g°IQ;g; may provide that at the time of voting upon the ratification of the con- wives to Gonstitution the registered voters may vote also for members of the House of gfgsogctgesgp Representatives of the United States, and for all elective officers provided de, the commu. for by the said constitution ; and the same election officers who shall make tim]. ut time of_ the return of the votes cast on the ratification or rejection of the consti- gg2g§sg?2;§" tution, shall enumerate and certify the votes cast for members of stituticn. Con ress. g SCHUYLER COLFAX, Speaker of the House of Representatives. B. F. WADE, President of the Senate pro tempore. Indorsed by the President: “Received February 28, 1868.” [Norm nv mm DEPARTMENT or STATE.-The foregoing act having been presented to the President of the United States for_ his spp:-oval, end not hay- xng been returned by him to the House of Congress m which it originated withm the time prescribed b the Constitution of the United States, has become a. Iavr without his epprovuI.]y