Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/787

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INDEX. 755 District of Columbia, (continued. D0 · · · • for the care, &c. of the mica! and dumb ‘ mInwai·luie;pliIe[Z(iip$(;rn¢i§l;cile)ships sailing of . . . . 809 without convc . 484 fmhiusune of the army and navy, &c. proyisions in cases ofy capture and deten- .. . . mn . . . . ... . for indigent insane in. . 3 10 coixrts for prize causes . for sixty traus1ent paug>em m . . . 310 no duty, &c. on prize ships, &c. 486 ¤.ct for the execution m the, of commis- prizes entering ports not to be seized 486 sions issued by eourts of ccher Sums, lawfulness thereof not to be ques- &c. and for taking depositions to be tioned . . ... 486 used in such courts .. 324, 825 privateers of hostile powers: i l · 486 uct relating to proof of wills in the .. 340 further provisions as to . . . 487 " register of deeds " to be called "re- eonsuls, vice-consuls, &c .’ 487 corder/’ ... . ... 341 residence and duties of . 487 488 legal fees of recorder ... . . . 841 deserters from vessels . ’ 488 deeds, conveyances, leases, &e. recorded extradition of criminals ... 489 by William G. Flpod declared legally eriuies for which surrender is to bé recorded. ... 341, 442 made . 489 Flood declared entitled to fees, &c. . . 342 surrender, how to be made . 489 warden of jail in, appointment, power, expenses . 489

 Svc. . . . . ... 342 no surrender for political offences. . . 489

Dmm, Beals and this convention to {asn for eight years 490 aceountvot; to be acgusted and paid . 430 Donahue, Ryan, and Secor, Documents, See ublm Documents. to be paid for losses incurred in construcapproprmuons for exchange of . 95 tion of the monitor Camanche . . . . 353 for distribution of ... . . 100 Donnelly, Eliza, provisions concerning .. 285, 292 pension to. . . ... . . . . . . . .. 414 Dodge, Wzlliam O., Doty, George W, pension to ... 426 name ot] to be placed on navy register, Dollar, &c . 430, 432 equivalent of the United States in con- Doty, Julia L., verting currency into sterling 548 pension to ... 418 Dome of Capitol, Drajled Men, epgropriacions for repairing, &e. 115, 306 claims for the refunding of amounts paid Domzcz , by, who furnished su stitutes, Gu:. when right 0£ secured, &c. by treaty with Mud- not liable to personal service or dum, ugascar 49l to be presented within two years.. 282 with Nicaragua .. 557 Drawback, Internal Revenue, Dominican Mpublic, of internal taxes paid on, on manufactreaty wir.h,0f February 8, 1867, of amity, tures, not to be allowed after June I, commerce, and navigation, and for the 1868, on exportation of articles on surrender of fugitive criminals 473 which there is no mx at time of exporprovision in ease of wm- ... 474 tation . 59 exemption from compulsory military ser- nor in any case, unless, &c . 59 vice, forced lmms, &c. ... 474 claim for, must be presented before Oct. right of residence, to do business, &c . 475 1, 1868 ... _ . 5 9 liberty of conscience and religious wor- on exported spirits 147 ship ... 475 when fraudulently claimed . 147 disposition of property 476 Secretary of Treasury to prescribe rules imports, tonnage, and other duties .. 477 and regulations for . . I47 coasting trade reserved for citizens .. 477 mmpdation for superintendents of. . 99, 290 discharge of vessels 477, 478 Dru ks, Exports, and what to be deemed Dominican vessels . . . 478 internal revenue, appropriations forsuperno higher or other duties on imports 478 imuendents oil 99, 290 on exports than, &c. .. 478 Drawbridge no prohibiciou that does not apply to all may be erected over the Connecticut River other countries . . 478, 479 by the New Haven, Middletown, &c. discriminatingducies ... ° ... 479 Railroad Company . 272 wrecks and cargoes of stranded vessels.. 479 to he a posvroad, &c. .. t. . 272 trading from or 00 enemies’ ports ... 480 assent of Congress may be withblockaded rts ... 480 drawn 272 contra.b»m¢i)gf war .. . .. 480, 481 may be erected over the Connecticut River declaration of principles ... 481 by the Shore Line Railway Company. 278 free ships make free goods . 481 to be n post-road, 8u: ... I . . 278 neutral property and persons on assent of Congress may be with— board enemies’ vessels ... 481, 482 drawn . . . . . . . . . 273 merchant vessels in time of war bound no Drawkeepcrs of Polomac Brzdges, an enemy’s port; to exhibit passports appropnatxons for .. 96, 286, 287 and certificates . 482 Dredge Boats, provision when ships have not passports two, to be built and operated to keep and certiticaces to be examined ... 483 ggen the passes at the mouth of the in ease of master’s death ...,.. 483 ississippn. 25 visiting and examining vessels and car- Dreutzer, Orlq E., goes on the high seas 483, 484 payment to .. 355