Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/821

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INDEX. 739 Nm. <¤>¤¤¤¤<>$1·) Nezmka, (continued.) onlccr in charge of ordnance, &c at district judge of Iowa to act in Nebraska ashmgxon navy yard, to receive until judge is ap cinted ... . . 6 bureau!:;; gmx; 8;:111 . _ ... 279 public Land grantedpto, for an agricultural of umm ongi ng repairs 71, college. . F1. . . . .6 ... .. 18 _ _ ... . amoun 0 a to te .. of proinsgcus and clctbing ... 7l: 279 post-roads cstnblislled in.? . . 50, l9l, ee: _of medicine and surcery. . , .. 71, 279 appropriation for c50e of surveyor-gem marine corps, [nay, &c. 0 .7l, 72, 279, 280, 315 eral of . 10l 115 293 306 number of cn sted persons in, limited to for surveys of 'public lands, in. .,.116, 307 eight thousand five hundred men, . 72 for surveying western boundary oi'. ., 308 unexpended appropriations under this act geological exgiorations of public lands beona &c, éoc be carried to surplus fund, {gun in,to continued .. 119 un ess r . . ... . ... 72 tit e to certai b1' 1 d- Secretar} of Treasury, in next annual es- tirmcd. .15 . f .8. fg 186 urrncatezgf appropriations, to state bal- 7 the (trendllslaud gud digrict established 224 a s . . .. . . 2 oun uric . f . 224 eeamensordinary seamen, and landsmeu lands tmriisnsslrimled, to be exdoing duty as firemen on vessels oi war, posed to sale. ... . .. 224 to receive extra pav . . ... 280 provisions of former act, confirming salarylof secretary of natjal academy es- titles to lands in, extended ... 269 tablished .. . ... 280 title confirmed to those holding deed from law authorizing the selection of ten eu- patemee ... 269 listed apprentices annually for midship· Nelson, William F., men, l.‘8fP8i\lB(l.· .. r .. 280 pension to ... 421 cflicers 0 , to assist the civil authorities Netherlands, · gd courts in sustaining the laws, postal convention with, September 26, . ... 698 1867 . t 569 Nazgy Department exchange of correspondence ... 569 appropriatiohs for the . 103 - 105, 295 to embrace what . 569 for incidental, &c. expenses . 104 offices for exchange of mails in each for Navy Department building . 103 country . . . . ... 569 for contingent expenses of .. 104, 296 arrangements for despatch of mails . 569 for the bureaus of. . . 104 — 105, 295 — 297 cost of transportation . 569 for the building occupied by . 105, 297 weight for single rate of postage, aud deficiency appropriation for .. . . 315 rule 0 progression . : 569 mzu-ine corps . 815 rates of postage ... 569, 570 salary of solicitor and judge advocate of. 313 rates when direct steam lines are estab- Navy Pension Fund, lished ... _ .. 570 certain sums remaining after decrees of prepayment optional ... 570 distribution in prize cases, to be paid to proceedings when postagcs are unpaid or the credit of . ... 121 not su eicutly paid . . . . . _. . . 570 rate of interest to be allowed on 170 registered correspondence to pay uddi- Navy Pensions. See Pensions. tional fee . . 570 appropriations for, for the years ending whatcorrespondence may be registered. . 570 3U11C 30, 1869, and June 30, 1870 . .170, 268 basis for settlemeint of alcconfrnts .. 570 Navy Yard, regu ations or espatc 0 correspon · appropriation for survey of site for, at ence ... 570, 571 lv llertg London, .. . ... . 303 exchange of correspondence by open 571 any ’a atLeaque_ mais . ... apgropriation for survcyt of site for. . 302 transxt of closed mails through either Navy ard, New York, country ... 571 the Buggies pronlerty adjoining, may be postalcaceoigntséd when 1:0 hehstated, &c.. .. purchased wit out, c ... 29 trans r 0 os _ rum wu out expense. _ JV Y title to he otherwise approved .. . 29 officnal cfarnmuntcatxrnsg . .. . .. 5:: at ur missent e cvs ar ic es c . . . » qéppropiiations for ... 68, 69, 277 detailed regulat.ions..·: 57l for civil establishments at ... 69, 217 -280 when this convennon cakes effect, and appointment of civil engineer and naval how long to continue 572 swrckeeper at _ .. 69 sulgect to approval 572 of superintendents of mechanical de- Neustae ter, Jolm A., ' oarttnents, &c .. 69 palyment to .. 394 Naylor, §en_;amzn_ B., I · Neutm tty A{‘¢,_ d I Neb pension to widow and-minor children of., 873 appropriations for expenses uu er t ie Q, ras made one judicial district, and how called 5 Mavada, _ _ _ attached to eighth judicial district. . 5 selection of public laude by, under ralljudge, marshal, and attorney to be ap- road gi-ante by Congress .. _ 67 pointed for . 5 pre-emptxon and homestead claims salaries, powers, and duties . 5 exempt . _ ... 67 times and places of holding circuit and certain, to be_made m_four years . 67 district courts. . . I . 5 land taken at rningrngzrncogiseuof gi gsé provisions for pen mg process, appeas acre equ x and write of error .. .5, 6 price of $1.25 per acre .. 61