Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/86

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54 FORTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 35, 36. 1868. P€¤·¤¤YlV¤¤i¤· From Sncgersville, via Germanville and Oswaldville, to Jacksonville. From Catasaqua, via Saples, Goods, South Whitehall, Trextertown, and Albert’s Station, to Rittenhouse Gap. From Orwigsburg, in Schuylkill County, via Ringgold and Mountain Post Office, to Steinsville, in Lehigh County. Vermont. VERMONT. From East Barnard to South Royalton. From West Danville to Hardwick. From North Ferrisburgh to Monkton. w,,h;,,g,,,,, WASHINGTON TERRITORY. T°"’t°°" From Dalles, via Simcone, to Sharps. wvaevsrgmn. WEST VIRGINIA. From Bulltown, via. mouth of Oil Creek, to Glenville. From West Milford, via Kinchelon Creek, to Coldwater. From Weston, via Beall’s Mills and Batton’s Mills, to mouth of Sand Fork Creek. From Holly Meadows, via Black Fork, Pleasant Run, and Taylor’s Mill, to New Interest. Wisconsin- WISCONSIN. · From Menomonee, via Washburn Farm and Pine Creek, to John Quarter’s Camp, in section twenty-eight, township thirty-four, range twelve east. From N eilsville, via Hunsicl<er’s to John Graves'. From Neilsville to Gravcs’ Mills. From Menomonee, via Sheridan, to John Quartet-’s. From Chilton, via Rantoul and Brillion, to Wrightstowu. From Westfield to Hnrrisville. From Monroe, via Twin Grove and Duncanon, in Illinois, to Dakoia. From Excelsior, via Brady’s to Sylvauus. From Lone Rock to Ironton. From West Lima to West Branch. From Cassville, via North Andover, to Bloomington. From Rolling Ground to Sugar Grove. From Grovesville, via Rantoul and P0tter’s Mills, to Kass0n Port. Approved, March 30, 1868. March 30, mcs. CHAP. XXXVI. --An An ro amend an Ae: entitled Mn Act to provide Jer the prompt _`i€i'iQ'ElfZ5T" Settlement ofpublic Account:," approved March thm, eighteen hundred and m,-mgwh V°l' i"' p' Bw Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the HW], of dc- lhzited States of America in Congress assembled, That the act of March pewtrncntv nvtw three, eighteen hundred and seventeen, entitled “An act to provide for

‘;Qg‘£d°,;l"}_{‘)Q$ the prompt settlement of public accounts," shall not be construed to

by, Src. authorize the heads of departments to change or modify the balances that may be certified to them by the commissioner of customs or the comptroller of the treasury, but that such balances, when stated by the auditor and properly certified by the comptroller as provided by that act, shall be taken and considered as final and conclusive upon the executive branch of the government, and be subject to revision only by Congress or p,.°,,,,°_ the proper courts: Provided, That the head of the proper department, before signing a warrant for any balance certified to him by a comptroller, may submit to such comptroller any facts in his judgment affecting the correctness of such balance, but the decision of the comptroller thereon shall be final and conclusive as hereinbefore provided. Approved, March 30, 1868.