Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 15.djvu/89

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FORTIETH CONGRESS. Sltss. II. Ch. 38. 1868. 57 For salaries of consuls-general, consuls, commercial agents, and thirteen consular clerks, namely: I. CONSULATES—GENERAL. Gonsuls-flew on Somzourn B. mm ° Alexandria, Calcutta, Constantinople, Frankfort-on-the-Main, Havana, Montreal, Shanghai. IL CONSULATES. Sounnvma B. Acapulco, Aix-la-Chapelle, Algiers, Amoy, Amsterdam, Antwerp, Aspinwall, Bankok, Basle, Belfast, Beirut, Buenos Ayres, Bordeaux, Bremen, Brindisi, Boulogne, Barcelona, Cadiz, Callao, Candia, Canton, Chemnitz, Chin Kiang, Clifton, Coaticook, Cork, Demaram, [Demerara,] Dundee, Elsinore, Fort Erie, Foo Choo, Funchal, Geneva, Genoa, Gibraltar, Glasgow, Goderich, Halifax, Hamburg, Havre, Honolulu, Hong-Kong, Hankow, Jerusalem, Kanagawa, Kingston, (Jamaica,) Kingston in Canada, La Rochelle, Laguayra, Lahaina, Leeds, Leghorn, Leipsic, Lisbon, Liverpool, London, Lyons, Malaga, Malta, Manchester, Matanzas, Marseilles, Mauritius, Melbourne, Messina, Moscow, Munich, Nagasaki, Naples, Nassau, (West Indies,) Newcastle, Nice, Nantes, Odessa, Oporto, Palermo, Panama, Paris, Pernamhuco, Picton, Ponce, Port Mahon, Prescott, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Revel, Rio de Janeiro, Rotterdam. San Juan del Sur, San Juan, (Porto Rico,) Saint John, (Canada East,) Santiago de Cuba, Port Sarnia, Rome, Singapore, Smyrna, Southampton, Saint John, (Newfoundland,) Saint Petersburg, Saint Pierre, (Martinique,) Saint Thomas, Stuttgardt, Swatow, Saint Helena, Tampico, Tangier, Toronto, Trieste, Trinidad de Cuba, Tripoli, Tunis, Turk’s Island, Valparaiso, Vera Cruz, Vienna, Windsor, Zurich. III. COMMERCIAL AGENCIES. Scrmnunm B. Belize, (Honduras,) Madagascar, San Juan del Norte, Saint Domingo. IV. CONSULATES. Sonsnunm C. Aux Cayes, Bahia, Batavia, Bay of Islands, Cape Haytieu, Cape Town, Carthagcna, Ceylon, Cobija, Cyprus, Falkland Islands, Fayal, Guayaquil, Guaymas, Lanthala, Maranham, Matamoras, Mexico, Montevideo, Omoa, Payta, Para, Paso del Norte, Piraeus, Rio Grande, Sabanilla, Saint Catharine, Santa Cruz, (West Indies,) Santiago, (Cape Verde,) Spezzia, Stettin, Tabasco, Tuhita, [Tahiti,] Talcahuano, Tumbez, Venice, Zanzibar. V. COMMERCIAL AGENCIES. sggtotmmercial n . Somannrn C. I Arnoor River, Apia, Gaboon, Saint Paul de Loando, [Loanda,] includ- Salary of couing loss by exchange thereon, four hundred thousand dollars, and the ggazgisgsw ` salary of the consul at Guaymas shall be one thousand dollars per _ annum: Provided, That all moneys received for fees at any vice—consu- c8g‘Q.°gj‘5‘03" lates or consular agencies of the United States, beyond the sum of one megvedécou. · thousand dollars in any one year, and all moneys received by any consul Silk. &¤§u§¤¥¤ { or consul-general from consular agencies or vice-consulates in excess of §c°?`,°;°f,‘° p:},, S one thousand dollars in the agregate from all such agencies or vice-com into treasury.