Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/1020

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986 CONVENTION WITH THE NORTH GERMAN UNION. Oc1·. 21, 1867. A 1. (See p. 983.) Yu Banu, Humane.] ‘ L E T T E R B I L L . Mail from the Travelling Post Ojtce No. 10, between Oologne and Vervzers. -———-—t()—-—-—-—·, byl]l8-——·—··“.P¢l€k6t. » Travelling Post·Ofilce No. 10, between Cologne and Verviers, the --— of --——-, 18--. tb th N th G - V rifl tion by the United Statemen y 0;%-or er e ceéum Omw.

International Poet- International Post- No. Articles of Correspondence. $8**- Foreign "*g°· Fo¤=ig¤ ······T··—*t Posmgo. ——·-——1····‘ Postage. No up Amount. Nm of Amount. - |__________ _________ . _________ _, Single I Single I Rates, lrmr. sgr. Thu. Sgr. Rates. Thlr- Sgr. Thlr. Sgr. § 1. Pun Lnrrees, mo. , g Registered bb iggétogingle letter rates ..— .. .. ._ .. ... 8 ””» °°°· mgemr ree . . . 4 Letters for the United States, at 4 sgr. the ' singlerato .. . —--—-— -—·———·— 5 Letters for foreign countries .. ·——- - —- ·-· 6 Newspapers, patterns, &.o. for the United Statesat1l»sgr.theslnglernte .-.- - -- -1- —- ·—- ——- — 7 Newspapers, patterns, Sw. for foreign countries.- ——; __ —-,;_ _____ § 2. Ummm Lumens. 8 Letters from the North German Union, nt15centstheslnglorefe. . . . . . -- -— --- -· --· - -—-— — 9 Letters hom foreign countries . _ .—. - -— -· 10 Redimctod. letters .. _;T._ _; —- _-;-_ _, § 3. Issurrrorsmmr runnin Lsrrsns, src. 11 Rue {No.ofs'ln€_lshrufes .4]. .6 . : --- I - --· .- -- - —.- -- ‘ rs mounoerepapos .-.- .._. _ 13 Amount of thoxdotlolent postgge . ——-· D°u°'rC“‘ -—— — —-—- D°u°‘ cn" -— - 14 Newspapers, patterns, &c. amount of the Thlr. Sgr. _ Thlr. Sgr. _ P."°.l’“‘.” S.E‘L’.“5;‘L...· · 4 · · ·_· -·*· T ···· ·· —····· ··· -· No. of registered articles forwarded in the mall of this day:- §4. Comsurs or rue Msn.. Letter Rates. Letter Rates. 15 Total No. of slnglo letter rates, (Nos. I, 4, 5, 8,9,10,11) ... . . . . _ _ Grams. Grenis. ,16 Totelnet weight ofletters . . . ll. 1¥2@¤s¤*=w¤*s¤* ·>f¤¤w=x>¤¤¤L¤1rmt4zr¤;=;. M- . § Pn.ncu1.n.s or Cmssn soxnwmnsn nsnswirn. N wsps , L°"’°”’ Paitfernsxjegtsc. Orlgm. - Destination. ——————— Single Letter Toto.! NetWolght. T0tu.1NctWeight. _... .._; ._..I*£°'; ..._.___ _.._.__ Grams. Grams. 18 `19 20
