Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/1049

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POSTAL CONVENTION WITH ITALY. NOV. 8, 1867. 1015 In entering the foreign charges on the letter bill in the money of the despatching orhce, the cent of the United States and five centesimi of Italy shall be taken as equivalents. It is also understood that the quarterly accounts shall be paid, respectively, in gold, and in the denominations of the money of the creditor oflice. AI{’FICI.E XVII. The quarterly accounts shall be prepared by the Q“t;’*°’lY ”·°· respective despatching offices of exchange. They shall be based upon com ` the acknowledgments of receipt, and shall, respectively, be arranged ac- Past, pp. 1023, cording to the models hereto annexed and marked F and G. 1025- A recapitulation of these accounts, showing the definitive results alike for the debit and credit, shall be prepared by the United States office, and shall then be transmitted, with the accounts on which it is based, for the examination of the Post·OtIice of Italy. _ Aitrxcmc XVIII. These detailed regulations shall be ratified on the W£;€g}“,;°;‘;ti_ part of the United States by the Postmaster—General, and on the part of ged_ Italy by the Director-General of Posts. Done at Florence, in duplicate original, this 19th of March, 1868, and at Washington this 2d of May, 1868. [sent,.] JOHN A. KASSON. [seat.] G. B. TANTESIO. Postr OFFICE Dm·Amm;N·r, Washington, May 2, 1868. The foregoihg articles o1` detailed regulations for carrying into execution the postal convention of 8th November, 1867, between the United States and Italy, are hereby ratified and approved. Witness my handand the seal of the Post-Office Department this 2d day of I\Iay, A. D. 1868. [SEAL.] ALEX. W. RANDALL, Postmaster- GcnemL